Warhorse Studios with.. Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Now with a Kickstarter)

24 Sep 2012
If you have been reading the developers blog then you will notice these guys have been aiming at a more realistic RPG and are having trouble getting publishers to fund it and have started a kickstarter. It's build in Cryengine and looks pretty amazing on the surface. anyway, here's the link and some vids explaing what it's about and showing what it looks like so far.

I'm going to back this one I think at the end of the month (pay day). Looks fantastic. Thanks for the heads up.
I have been following the development for all 2 years very closely...all that time I was afraid that either they would not manage to attract a publisher, or they would only get Sony/MS and make the game console exclusive (which would be horrible).

This is the best case scenario. People show support, they get it selffunded, no pesky publisher interferes with it, and they can fulfill their awesome vision. And PC version is lead. AND we get playable build in 6 months.

This is my most anticipated game alongside Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.
Instabacked at BARON level.
Is the only difference between the two Baron levels is that one you get the digital copy of the game and the other a hard copy?

Yeah for 25 you get all stuff digitally (game, OST, making of, manual), for 30 you get it all in hardcopy + also digitally the game.

I went for 30 Baron.
This is the first game I've ever backed on kickstarter. Can not wait! I do worry that I might have to invest in a new graphics card though...

You have 6 months until playable alpha build, and if you want to wait for full game, then you have probably at least a year to save up :-)

Plus, Witcher 3 on horizon..
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