people still like Razer.
they do have some very good products, and the demand for them stretches above and beyond the general consensus displayed in this thread
myself and AceModder are in control of all the Razer products that OcUK stock and believe me when I say that we have explored every single avenue in keeping the prices down.
the fact is, that if it costs us more to buy, sadly there is nothing we can do to prevent this.
I personally use a Mamba and a Black Widow which I really like, and the quality is certainly there. I am not in agreement with the quality of the products being poor because they simply aren't.
whether of not the products are worth more than currently charged or production costs have increased is mere speculation, but time will tell if this is a good move for them
in the grand scheme of things, customers will speak with their wallets.
but when you see people on the razer facebook pages with razer tattoos, it certainly speaks a volume about the brand power.
note to all - I do not have any razer tattoos.