Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Third restart for vehicles!!


Now I know how Rocket feels when everyone is giving him grief :) LoL

Apologies to anyone who was on tonight!!

Had a bit of a mare with the new mission file!! Looks to be sorted now!
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Marker if you join that russian server and then goto your version of: C:\Users\ToejaM\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache - you'll find the PBO in there, its worth looking at. Seemed very polished from what I could see.. hopefully if you can de construct it you can see how the icons work!
Been there done that mate!!

There is something missing that wont be in the pbo file!!

In the mean time, I found a script that can display friendly tags even if it is on veteran etc!

Will see how that goes, but I will get these sodding icons working!!
Try and get the serverside files for the russkie!

Hunted for them for about 5 hours one day last week!!

I wont tell you what I even googled I was getting that frustrated at not finding them!

The script is serverside for the tags DG! Most scripts will have an effect client side as well!!

Give me a bit of credit mate :)
hehe :D

lol at guy i shot in bus i had pistol i shot him in face he said why you shoot me ?

im a killer :D

to whoever i run over in my tank sorry :p
Who ran me over while towing a vehicle?

I shouted i was going to commit suicide and wanted them to run me over, so i stood there then dodged.. Got knocked but got back up!

Then i layed down, hopeing for the vehicle to go over me but my head stuck up and i was dragged by my face. Then i left lol :D
They don't seem to be as much of a threat as I imagined, mainly because nobody drives with a gunner and hardly any of them have ammo or get rearmed.
Who ran me over while towing a vehicle?

I shouted i was going to commit suicide and wanted them to run me over, so i stood there then dodged.. Got knocked but got back up!

Then i layed down, hopeing for the vehicle to go over me but my head stuck up and i was dragged by my face. Then i left lol :D

was you near stary sober when this happend ?

i was steaming down that road last night and i thought it was dead body in middle he wasnt :p

armored vehicles are way too much should be one or two max
I think AI always counts as a friendly fire. I think its also the reason why you can't get in vechs sometimes with your mates. At least as a CIVI (not sure if it affects independants now though) due to friendly fire. In missions if you teamkill, the AI will attack you when you kill enough of your own team

Armoured vechs should stay, I havnt played but I dont ever struggle against them.. the anti material sniper rifles will take out wheels and with enough shots will take the vech out its self but a wheel is good enough as it disables it and essentially turns it into a mounted placement. Secondly, RPGs are so easy to find... almost all AI wandering around has one rocketeer and if Marker has changed the gunstore, you can buy RPGs. Should be mines available (going by the other servers pbo) - all about the tactics, lure it into a narrow straight that you mined the hell out of :D

Most armour also has a window that you can kill someone through, albeit bulletproof but that doesnt mean all bullets cant go through. I'd imagine HE grenades from underslungs would do damage to. Pretty sure I was in a BTR or similar and one HE grenade set me on fire. RGO grenades might be effective to, 10m kill radius so they have some grunt. Man up dg and accept the challenge!

People need to accept that while they might think that they're scissors and can beat paper everytime, there will always be a rock. I dont get the mentality of everyone thinking they should be able to beat everything they come across no matter the gear they have. Thats what ARMA is all about. Perfect loadout: l85 acog underslung (m203) (or what ever you like as the weapon but with those attachments) with two smoke, rest HE + rpg + 2 rpgs and then 6 mags + two grenades. Alternatively, sit in a tree with an as50 and nato rounds :P
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