Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Sorry, are you suggesting we've (MGT) changed missions since the weekend or 404? Since upgrading to the latest build sometime in late March, the mission file hasn't been changed :confused:

This is our mission file, except we've added in our own mgt.paa loading image http://www.dlwl.co/download.php?file=404Wasteland+-+Chernarus+2.9c+%28Mission+Only%29.zip
Also to add, we have thermal weapons etc still in game, and always have done.

Is it possible 404 have hijacked your mission file along the way and changed it slightly?

No 404 have not hijacked the file, whoever has access to your server has uploaded the mission file that was edited by Marker/Melbo + Jasons bases that he designed in the editor.

Like Marker said he is happy to share, just nice to be asked and some credit to those that made the changes.
No 404 have not hijacked the file, whoever has access to your server has uploaded the mission file that was edited by Marker/Melbo + Jasons bases that he designed in the editor.

Like Marker said he is happy to share, just nice to be asked and some credit to those that made the changes.

So let me get this straight, you're suggesting that on our server (MGT) we are/were running your mission file? I set up the Wasteland server with the mission file from 404, edited the loading.jpg to our own image and used that. The only people that *had* access that no longer have it are Toejam who setup the mods for the game (now running CPC Wasteland without thermal weapons) and Jewish who are no longer a part of MGT. We have always had thermal weapons enabled so am unsure why you suggest as you have done?

If you're not willing to accept my word that we have never used your mission file then so be it, but i'm happy that we haven't and will vehemently defend our position.

Again, the mission file below is the only one that has ever been used on MGT Wasteland.
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So let me get this straight, you're suggesting that on our server (MGT) we are/were running your mission file? I set up the Wasteland server with the mission file from 404, edited the loading.jpg to our own image and used that. The only people that *had* access that no longer have it are Toejam who setup the mods for the game (now running CPC Wasteland without thermal weapons) and Jewish who are no longer a part of MGT. We have always had thermal weapons enabled so am unsure why you suggest as you have done?

If you're not willing to accept my word that we have never used your mission file then so be it, but i'm happy that we haven't and will vehemently defend our position.

Again, the mission file below is the only one that has ever been used on MGT Wasteland.

That's fine Dave, it was mentioned that the CPC version was taken straight from the MGT Server, this appears to not be the case.

I did wonder why there was a name change to CPC?
That's fine Dave, it was mentioned that the CPC version was taken straight from the MGT Server, this appears to not be the case.

I did wonder why there was a name change to CPC?

Phew! Seem to be getting to the bottom of it now. MGT and CPC have no connection, apart from CPC being run by 2 ex admins of MGT. If CPC have said they got the mission file from MGT, then that's BS as we just run vanilla Wasteland. I thought it strange that the CPC Wasteland server was upped, and within a very short time period had no thermal weapons, but this is of no concern to MGT as we still can't figure out how to get the mods to work correctly :confused:

MGT server as per below
I told MarkeR I wouldnt get involved here as to keep the thread on track so I'm not going to. Believe what you wish, I told MarkeR the truth, speak to him CAI :-)
Lol, and there you have it folks, disgruntled ex admin of MGT with an axe to grind, cast out because the power went to his head, trying to tar the name of MGT. MGT doesn't need to come onto MBS TS to clear our name as we know we've never used your mission file.

So apart from posting porn on our Enjin site by editing your old posts, trying to claim back donations that you gave freely you are now trying to hoodwink the guys who have given you the best Wasteland server to play on (MBS) after stealing their mission file?

How much lower can you go Toe?
EDIT: Not getting involved changed post.

Marker and co sorry to bother you guys, if you could increase the indi cap it would be freaking awesome.
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Cast out and chucked out are different, when you were barking your orders like you do, you lost the support of all the other admins, effectively being "cast out" by us. 2 Admins who left wanted to come back after you quit.
Couldn't sleep.

So finished off the new mission file.

New player vehicle hud. Show azimuth of turret weapon. WIP to show target name & icon for all players in vehicle.
AI at missions are back to civies.
Halo jumps are added to initial spawned helis and mission helis.
New special Admin only mission, will leave this as a surprise..

Server has minimum beta patch requirements now. Beta patch has to be at least 102591 or above, will see how this goes. If it affects player count, will remove!

Next build will include.
The two new towns created will be added to the server vars list, this will enable spawn for players and spawning in of vehicles.
Hopefully vehicle hud will include the vehicle tag/name.
Have a few other mission ideas/semi built. Will introduce hopefully at least two of them next build.
End game mission is 80% complete. Needs tested on MP.
Dave don't start throwing the blame around just because you got accused, just prove that you didn't do it (which you already did) and move on, you are starting to sound like you have a personal vendetta.

Also, yes marker I would love groups in blu/opfor, as if the indi team is going to be limited, it can be annoying when someone who doesn't know how to play that well decides to run up behind you and start shooting at enemies, it can be helpful, but I'd like to know where shots are being fired from, and it can cause confusion when someone is not on your ts and tries to help out
I'm building a check-list for Robin:

  • Can exit a helicopter without it crashing X
  • Can build bases X
  • Can fire rockets further than 5 meters X

I was only trying to be helpful to the team :D
Anyways having groups in blufor and opfor would a great idea,we do try our best to try and balance teams out and join opfor or blufor but it can get abit too much will all the tking by randoms.
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