Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Few little bugs I thought I had fixed haven't been..

Giot them fixed on my version on pc.

Fixed player menu bug and forgot to re-manage the original spawn routine to exclude the extra armoured vehicles.

The helis are def spawning in mate.. Mike confirmed this on fri night with a camo Huey. Plus new spawn routine doesn't interact with original one.
Just popped on tonight as a lone wolf, but the lack of the armored vehicles was a very nice suprise. I'll have a check tomorrow on the icons, been to busy playing Borderlands 2!
Still a few on the server mate.

All about trying to find that balance.

Yeah i know there are others, but going from loads to a few is much better.

In the end you'll never find the right balance without trying different things, but well done mate it's looking like a top notch server. We just need others to come on and realise this and it'll be full most days.
Really hope my new PC arrives soon before everyone gets bored of Wasteland. The mod has been amazing, completely sucked in my time over the weekend. 7-8 hour sessions easy :}

Will hopefully be on tonight to try the new changes.
The thing is mate, because it isn't persistent the hackers wont attack it as much!

You're not losing anything when you die! Of course you are going to get the odd hacker here and there, but I think no way as much as dayz!
Played last night with the new icons and must say was much better working as a team ( even though i still killed someone with friendly fire )

Still have not heard of any choppers being found other than the one on Friday.
Just had some fun in the CAS little bird. Booted some guy in the early AM for flying around in an apache, please tell me you didn't add that in?

As for hackers, there's almost always somebody on who can ban people for cheating. If something really bad happens like a teleport script or mass spawning, stuff like that, just type in all caps in the direct chat something like "CHEATER WAS HERE - TIME/DATE" as it makes it much easier to identify them in the logs and remove them.
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