Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

I dont think you are banned Dave!

Sorry was wrapping pressies!


Removed your ban Dave!!

If you cannot join, sometimes the Dart Rcon tool doesn't update! Ill make sure it has been for the other admins online at the moment!
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Wish I had recorded that mate, I was admin camming the heli at the time!!

I telling the boys that one guy is attacking 6 blufor in a heli with a g17, then blamo, the pilot drops out :)

Hell of a shot!
Richie's fail at flying!!!

Thought I would give out 3 xmas presents at each Airfield!

Bananaaa killed one at the NW airfield I think, Mike crashed the other and I watched Richie fail :)

It's built into Wasteland mate!!

Only myself and one other admin can use it!

Basically we put our UID into the script, we can view people, see if they are tking, have satellite view and a few other things...

Which is basically what I was doing all night tonight, trying to catch the tker's out and keep a view on the gunstores when some one was in them!
Quick question for anyone that lists the servers in multiplayer screen!

When you see our server, do you have a ping on them?

Or do you have a 2500 ping?

Bit quiet just now cai, because when the switch went down last week at the data centre it came back up with the wrongs ports open...

As you will see it is showing 2500 as a ping, raised a ticket with support to reopen them and that should sort it out..

New clean up scripts are in the works mate..

Sometimes they work sometimes they don't.

Tbh I really don't notice any lower fps after .a while, I know some do, pretty strange.

And looking at my counter banner, 1 hr after fixing the ping issue the server is virtually full..
Actually just sent melbo an idea on the clean up script.

I'm at work just now so he is going to try and incorporate it into the onkilled script.

Will test and see how it works.

Have now got the clean up working for dead bodies!

Bodies will disappear after 60 seconds, which should help the server stay stable longer!
Shouldnt remove the cash mate, as the cash is dropped away from the player.

Yip everything working Melbo....

Player tags, cean up script and 2 random heli spawns...
Alright mate..

Didn't realise Melbo had worked the spawns that way...

Strange that the money isn't dropping, let me look at that tonight when I get home...

Melbo, might want to change the weapons back a bit mate?
The money drops out of the body goon...

The gear stays in the body as normal until it disappears, will see why the money isn't dropping out tonight and make the disappear time 5 minutes.
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