Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

There was a problem, the basic.cfg file somehow got corrupted after the upgrade!

Sorted now, but server wouldn't restart unless you acknowledged the error!

Now for server three :)

Wonders if lingor is released yet?

In work.now.

In the scheduler.xml file you will see the line named delay.

Below that is the line you change, forget the name just now.

000600, would mean 10 minutes, 000900 would be 15 minutes etc etc

New mission code posted over on 404.

Might help that problem.

Plus tonight when I get home, I shall incorporate the cargo drop mission into the latest mission file.

An idea that might make cities more appealing to take over.

Like stary in dayz, why don't we place a mash tent or two together on the four or five main city areas and the nw airfield.

This would appeal more to base builders and encourage people to attack their bases more.

Just make then non movable.
Yeah that might help goon, since the version is 1_2.


One more thing goon.....

Taviana is in final stages, possible release tomorrow or tonight.
Melbo maybe allowdamage = false; in their init line?

Or maybe we could see if an engineer could repair it?

Will investigate both options tonight after work..


Worse case scenario, is a few concrete pillars around it with some barbed wire, make it look like an abandoned hospital tent...
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We now can have a persistent server!

Who wants saved player saved locked objects etc?

We can keep the server going, only resets after a full server shutdown etc!

Vehicles get deleted as normal and respawn as normal!
BEC updated...

Messages sorted so no lump of text. Forum page added onto BEC line for bans etc.

Ip parses across the 3 ban lists for banned players.
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