Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Melbo the background you made with the server rules etc, where you getting the player model textures in picture format? I fancy making a new sig for on here. So was going to mess about with photoshop.

I was just placing them in the editor, taking a screenshot then editing out the background in photoshop. If you want the ones from the loading screen just say the word. Anything else you need just let me know, will be on TS from 1700.
His name is Sean on the ban list mate.

I did remove it, althouf another admin might have been logged into rcon and not removed it from.their one.
Can't see anyone called Sean on there.

We need to limit the amount of vehicles spawning. It's absolutely killing the server.
I dunno, but I got kicked for the reason "if the server is ****, go find another one" - I said it because the admins weren't doing anything about some French idiot teamkilling

Ahhh ok, think I will be able to find you now!

His name is Sean on the ban list mate.

I did remove it, althouf another admin might have been logged into rcon and not removed it from.their one.

I can't see it on either ban list. Comes up in Dart though. Odd :(
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Looks like I fixed it. The random heli script was messing things up. Had to take it out so we have no helis or armour apart from mission generated ones.
Ok Melbo

Safe zone script for gunshops etc will be ready to be used tomorrow night at one point!

How many markers do we need, 8? One for each store!
Ok Melbo

Safe zone script for gunshops etc will be ready to be used tomorrow night at one point!

How many markers do we need, 8? One for each store!


There are 4 Gun-Stores. Not sure if we are having no shooting at the General Stores as they are mostly nicely in a city/town and have multiple entrances/exits.

Just need the name tags now! Get to it!
Name tag is nearly there as well mate!

Will incorporate both into the mission and upload onto the test server tomorrow night at one point!

Do we want a 100 or 200 mtr safe zone? TBH I think a 100mtr is more than enough!
How does it work? Is it like that bubble shield script that stops bullets/projectiles entering or like the old one we used to have? If it's the latter I would image 100m would be fine.
Here is the script for the safe zone mate!

Extremely easy :)

No shooting or being shot within safe zone!

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

//Create a elipse marker 100 x 100 named safezone1
_pos1 = (getMarkerPos "safezone1");
_pzone1 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_pos1);
_pzone1 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

//Create a elipse marker 100 x 100 named safezone2
_pos2 = (getMarkerPos "safezone2");
_pzone2 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_pos2);
_pzone2 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

//Create a elipse marker 100 x 100 named safezone3
_pos3 = (getMarkerPos "safezone3");
_pzone3 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_pos3);
_pzone3 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

//Create a elipse marker 100 x 100 named safezone4
_pos4 = (getMarkerPos "safezone4");
_pzone4 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (_pos4);
_pzone4 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"];

Place it within a server_init sqf. It only needs to be called once per mission!
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Re-edited code for safe zone!

This is the name tags!

if(!isserver) exitWith {};


		_target = cursorTarget;

		_text = "";

		if(side _target == playerSide || {side _x == playerSide} count (crew _target) > 0 ) then {

			if(count (crew _target) > 0) then {

				{ if(alive _x && isPlayer _x) then {_text = format["%1 %2 ",_text,name _x];}; }forEach (crew _target);


				if(alive _target && isPlayer _target) then {_text = format["%1",name _target]; };


			106 cutText [_text,"PLAIN DOWN"];

			sleep 2;

			106 cutText ["","PLAIN DOWN"];


		sleep 1;

Again should only need called once !
Would probably keep it at 200m as I think camping outside the safe zone is going to be rife.

Is the ability for Bluefor and Oppfor to spawn on themselves even if an enemy is near by going to be changed. Considering Independents have to pay $3000 for a spawn beacon which can be destroyed and will not work when an enemy is near by, seems a little unfair :)

Good to see the towing script working now. I wasn't on long enough to really notice the clean up scripts, were they working as intended?
I was just placing them in the editor, taking a screenshot then editing out the background in photoshop. If you want the ones from the loading screen just say the word. Anything else you need just let me know, will be on TS from 1700.

You able to upload them to imageshack or an alternative? At work and would have an hour to play about with photoshop on my lunch break.
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