Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Ok server paid for up until 16th January..

If anyone wants to make a donation for the following month, wait until after New Year to speak to me about it!

Thanks to all that donated! :)
Ok Guys

I have set up the second server with the 404 version of wasteland with ACE...

Had a quick play around there, and it incorporates a few things straight away...

Need to do a couple of little script changes to get the weight and stamina system in..

Then we can add more ace kit to the weapons script and the object scripts!

If you want to try it our make sure you have the latest version of ACE, CBA, CBA_A2 and CBA_OA..


Password for server is magic.
Trying to update all my ACE mods using Six Updater. When it gets to 100% and installing it totally locks up my system. I hate that god damn program.
Trying to update all my ACE mods using Six Updater. When it gets to 100% and installing it totally locks up my system. I hate that god damn program.

Does that to me occasionally as well mate, might have a try of this, could be interesting with ACE etc
Hi guys,

I saw a message from admin (don't remember who was that) other day about adding feature for independent to be able group up.
I would like to ask when approximately will that be implemented?

Thank you.

Hi guys,

I saw a message from admin (don't remember who was that) other day about adding feature for independent to be able group up.
I would like to ask when approximately will that be implemented?

Thank you.


Actually, it was more of a conversation started by a randomer saying that it could be done, whereas the admins were more of the opinion it's not that easy, which I agree with!

Priorities though, Marker and Melbo still have a few things to iron out, but they're doing a fantastic job at it and making good progress very quickly!
Just had an idea for grouping Indies.

ill start on a wee script tonight after working on the ace things.

If I am.right then it shouldn't take long to implement.

Knowing me, it probably won't be right :)
Hi guys,

I saw a message from admin (don't remember who was that) other day about adding feature for independent to be able group up.
I would like to ask when approximately will that be implemented?

Thank you.


Both are very aware that independents killing each other = a negative score which is pretty annoying, this also applies to certain missions depending on the AI class that are defending meaning blue or red team receive negative kills for taking out the AI.

No idea how easy this is to fix with the scripts.

A suggestion I made and a few others have probably thought the same is creating squads. Again no time frame or any idea on completion of this but Marker has mentioned that it is a work in progress.

Admins are also aware of gun shop killing problem, obviously it would be easy just to change the rule to a FFA but at the moment we want the gun-store to be a small safe zone with people free to pick out a weapon without fear of being attacked. Work is required to increase the shield boundary and when the Admins are on we do try to kick players that blatantly break the gun-shop rules.

Wasteland in general is one huge work in progress, no doubt loads of little things could be tweaked, like Day/Night cycles, spawn rates, weapon types, vehicle spawns, mission types, restart times, base building items, rules on stacking and the list could go on.

I would encourage those that play to post their thoughts or feedback here.
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Or if people have ideas and are handy at the Arma Editor, create a little scenario and pop into Marker's teamspeak and have a word - a working example is a lot easier to digest than words on a screen!
why have i just been banned for team killing a guy that #1 tried to tk my vehicle in novy and #2 team killed me (then one of his friends team killed the vehicle with a rocket) and shot at me first ?

The two strike team kill system is there for a reason

I am a good player that follows the rules you can bet your life if I team kill its for a very good reason

am i supposed just to let the guy destroy our good vehicles then ?

Guy that got me banned was some moronic little kid shooting at team vehicles in novy

Great stuff guy shoots at the vehicle then team kills me with a rocket steals my gun so I respawn in novy and see him stood there with my gun and i tk him for my stuff back but yea good job admin im the one that should be banned right lmao

How to get someone banned on this server

step 1. team kill them then say in chat they are a team killer
step 2. wait for them to come team kill you back for what you just did to them
step 3. banned

If I had done what he did to me in novy team kill me twice after randomly trying to shoot my vehicle I'd have been banned for that so why isnt he banned and why am i sat here banned
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Or instead of stooping to their level of dickery, just say in the first instance what happened rather than "taking matters into your own hands."

I'm not an admin on the server, but I will stick up for them no matter what **** anyone throws at them; they've put a lot of time and effort into getting the server running smoothly with some excellent scripts on there, and all they get is ****.

They like to play and enjoy the game too.

If something happens, report it. If need be, hop on Marker's Teamspeak - the details of which you should easily be able to find, or if not, just ask on the server. By teamkilling the prat you are yourself breaking the rules, so why shouldn't you then receive a punishment?

Being completely serious here, simply because people are part of the "OCUK Community" it seems to make them think they are high and mighty and immune to repercussions; newsflash, that ain't how it works.

I'm sure Marker & Co will gladly unban you from the server, if you provide your name at the time, but just bear in mind that everything that goes on on the server is done through word of mouth and quick glances through logs - people make the wrong decisions sometimes, they're human, it happens, get over it and move on - there is absolutely no reason to throw a tantrum over it.
I did say what happened in global I said quite clearly I ran you over because you just unloaded 2 clips in to our vehicle followed by team killing me for my gun followed by getting your friend to team kill the vehicle with a rocket followed by me team killing one of the kiddies back to get my gun back followed by ban

whichever admin banned me certainly didnt see the full story all he saw was me team killing the kiddie that had just team killed me for my gun
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Hi There.. I banned you because we had reports of tk'ing about you, under a different name!

I then jumped onto our admin tool and watched you run around the corner and straight away fire into a friendly and killing him!!

I will unban you, but please make sure you report any tk'ers mate, as we do something about them, sometimes you guys might not even know, but we take time out of playing to watch people and the gun stores to make sure the least amount of tking goes on!
I've said this a few times but team killing too in retaliation is no way to solve the problem and it doesn't help any of the admins who are trying to spectate as quick as possible.

Should be getting a list of server rules and the consequences for breaking them on the notes screen shortly.
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