OCUK #001 and OCUK #002 Wasteland Server rules (Version 1.0)
Admins: Marker, Melbo, Duckee, Jason, TooTall, Richie and CAI
Donations now open for reserved spots, minimum £5 contribution per month, Paypal payments go to:
[email protected]
No hacking/cheating
No spawning additional vehicles/weapons/props
No use of scripts
No use of exploits
Independents cannot team up with Bluefor or Opfor
Strictly no team killing/Wounding (Doesn't apply to Independent)
No stealing from team mates
I.D your target before engaging
No Griefing
Sky bases should be no more than two storeys high.
Please show good etiquette at bases (Blue/Red) Check vehicles do not contain base making equipment before moving them.
Do not go off on your own inside a vehicle that is left in base (without asking over side chat first)
If a base prop is locked do not unlock it and move it unless: The base is being relocated or the prop is obstructing entry for team mates
Do not intentionally kill friendlies with base making equipment
Bases are not your private property, everyone on your team is allowed to use the base that is created.
Gun Stores
No killing at the Gun Store,this includes running people over with vehicles
No stealing at the Gun Store (Weapons, vehicles or weapons left inside vehicles)
No Camping the Gun Store or firing on people exiting/entering the Gun Store
Do not use VOIP when active in global chat.
Do not spam music/abuse down side or direct chat
Strictly no racism or being overly abusive/bullying
Players with offensive player names will be forced to change them
If a friendly clears a mission before you arrive (ie kills all the AI) that mission is capped by them and you should not steal the vehicle/weapon cache.
It is against the rules to purposely give weapons/caches/vehicles to the enemy team
It is against the rules to continually re spawn in order to generate money
It is against the rules to exploit any bugs with the gun shop / general stores
Revenge killing a team mate that tked you previously, is strictly against the rules
Report those breaking the rules to the Admins asap with detailed information so that they can help, do not take matters into your own hands