Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Server 2 was good fun last night we won a few and lost few.

Before I left we rolled in Bluefor base and stole all their kit and took it to OPFOR seemed like a Mad Max 2 movie. What a rush ... We moved in on their base from alk sides even fresh spawns kept running in the open fields lol.

Once we got back it was like a Taliban job type were all firing up our guns in the air celebrating lol.

Towards the end i posted i would donate my M107 someone said yeah i will have it, the lad says "I will" i then move my mouse and accidently headshot him...accidental discharge, i said sorry.
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Have you considered offering donators some sort of perks, for example allowing contributors to start off with a lump sum of cash in game depending on the amount they contributed?

£5=$500 in game ever time the server resets.
There needs to be a way to sync the time properly so night time can be fully implemented!

I'd love this!


I see the, lets jump on an admin crew were in that thread!!!

For anyone looking in..

Goku was banned for rascist language, wasn't the worst I have seen but still!

End of story!


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Guys im a bit short but when i get paid at the end of the month i will chip in with some cash i know your bills accumulate.
I used to run a couple of dayz servers from vert hosting. I know its hard to pay the bill every month.
Xmas and new years im skinned atm :)
Keep up the good work.
May get an hour or so this evening depending on what time the other half goes to bed...Downloaded JSRS last night but yet to try it.

Don't forget to download load the Community Based Addons mods (@cba, @cba_a2 and @cba_oa off the top of my head) to get the most out of JSRS!
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