Watch Dogs Legion

Yeah I'm using freesync on the TV but the driving just looks so bad no matter what settings I use.

When it's dropping to 50's it feels more like 20fps.
smooth as butter for me the only time I notice any slowdowns is when the cut scene things kick in as they are done at 30FPS, that's using GSync on a C9.
Fingers crossed AC is better than this. I’ll enjoy it because it’s AC, but I’m not holding out much hope.

I think AC Valhalla will be far superior to this, WD2 was pretty poor to average so Legions predecessor wasnt great anyway, so its not a massive shock that devs who made a previous poor game have repeated that. However , AC Odyssey, Valhallas predecessor, was extremely good.
all settings on low and rt on medium with performance dlss should be the spec for RTX2060 yet here I am with RTX3090 and those settings dip below 40fps when driving. Horrible horrible performance. I DDU'ed and fresh installed too to see if it was me but other 3080 and 3090 owners cannot play with any level of RTX and end up happy with the performance.
An interesting thing I noticed about the driving though - when you use auto-drive the CPU utilisation is radically different than when you manually drive.

Mind you, this is a very CPU-intensive game, so if you enable RT on top of it then your CPU demands sky-rocket further. I know it looks good but if you want good performance then turn off RT. The other CPU-related settings are extra details (keep at 0% or suffer harshly), environmental details (medium still looks fine, as you can see in the screenshot I posted on prev page), and geometry quality (though I still keep this at ultra, it's worth it). Reducing shadows can also help a bit.

Would also recommend testing DX11 vs DX12 for your system. For some configs DX12 can heavily penalise performance for whatever reason, especially near water.
Having played (and hated) WD2, and having read the reviews for this....I'm going to give the original another blast; it's the only decent one imo.
Pushsquare review called it "The dullest Ubisoft open-worlder yet" and from what I've seen of it it's hard to disagree. So hopefully AC:V is much more interesting.

I try not to listen to reviews. I have played many games where everyone says its bad, but I really enjoyed it. I find its better to watch some videos or streams and see for yourself before you buy.
I try not to listen to reviews. I have played many games where everyone says its bad, but I really enjoyed it. I find its better to watch some videos or streams and see for yourself before you buy.

Nor do I but when there are repeating elements in all reviews then it's hard to bury your head in the sand. It personally resonates with me because I recall how average the first one was too. I watched ACG review on youtube as I find that reviewer to be one of the more objective ones.
I honestly don't understand how people can reach such different conclusions playing the same game. I'd definitely not call the world dull in the least! And I've never really been into WD in the first place, bit of a late discovery if anything.
I honestly don't understand how people can reach such different conclusions playing the same game. I'd definitely not call the world dull in the least! And I've never really been into WD in the first place, bit of a late discovery if anything.
It's almost as if people have different tastes or something.

I finally managed to get my copy working, and it's okay. It helps that I'm a sucker for stealth games. There's a satisfaction to be had when completing an objective without ever setting foot in the mission area, just by hacking cameras and drones and whatnot. I'm playing completely non-lethal even when I do have to physically enter the red areas.

The main thing I don't like is not having a protagonist. I prefer controlling characters I can get invested in, not just former-NPCs with randomly-generated faces.
I honestly don't understand how people can reach such different conclusions playing the same game. I'd definitely not call the world dull in the least! And I've never really been into WD in the first place, bit of a late discovery if anything.

I'd disagree with the world being dull, I actually think the representation of London is its strongest point. I'd say the gameplay itself is dull but not the world
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