Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Got bored, made this...

More leaked gameplay footage starting to surface now...

Spoiler: I dont think there is any 'story', just gameplay but just warning you.

Im getting really hyped for this game now, it looks so good and apparently this is Xbox One footage. Cant wait to see what the PC version can do! :)
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have been deliberately avoiding all the hype and build up for this as i didnt want to be disappointed.

My willpower is starting to break tho by watching some of these vids/leaks , the question is do i get it for Ps4 or PC, specs in sig :) If im gettin it on PC i want to be able to max it out at 1080p

/ well that first xbone review sorta what i expected, decent SP with crappy MP 7/10 , since we dont have GTAV on PC im guessing pc scores may be a bit higher seeing watchdogs wont really have many games in that genre, besides maybe sleeping dogs
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Too many preorder flops lately. I'm pretty much done pre-ordering stuff now. If it looks good after reviews and so on then I shall take the plunge!
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