Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Even the average reviews say it is good and that they enjoyed it, just that it isn't better than gta 5 or whatever.

I don't see why everyone is so negative about it. Sounds pretty enjoyable at the very least from all the reviews.

Exactly, I've not read one review that says this is terrible. Review score then gets quoted and says it must be terrible. At least read the review.
Seems like it will be a good game, just not a great game.

I'd like to try it, but uplay still won't unlock it :mad:

Same here.

We seem to have the same discussion on these forums with every anticipated title release. Some people love it, some think it's a steaming pile of horse manure. At the end of the day, whatever floats your boat.
I think people are to used to every game getting 9 and 10's/5 star reviews. a 7-8 or 3-4 star review for this seems accurate. a 7 doesn't mean it's bad it just means it's a bit meh. People just got way to hyped for a fairly generic open world gta clone
Not impressed with uplay, you would think that with preorders there should be something to indicate you have one. Instead it just doesn't show anything lol

Even better would be a countdown to release, but that would be far too advanced :p
yeh i preordered via mexico origin, but then they sent me the keys at 5am, so i just activated it through uPlay instead of waiting for origin to unlock :p
I think the people at uplay must be unlocking games manually :p

Either that or they have really badly written software that runs like treacle
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