Water Bill - Anyone beat this?

£48 a month on a water meter, for 3 adults. I thought that was extortionate but looking at what most other people in here are paying perhaps not.
I dare say that will be going up to pay for their dumping sewage in the rivers.
Probably about right, I pay £15pm on my own and I’m seen as a low user according to the water company.
Thread an eye opener.

£39 per month
Average of 416 litres a day !
It says similar size household would be 345 (4 people)

Its up 13% compared to previous year. Which makes no sense to me as last year the weather was trash so no pools in the garden, no water play table for the little one. Massive reduction in car washing (I did was the car in the rain a couple of times)

So maybe there's a leak.

Already self conscious about our use, only 3 ways I could reduce further.
Stop bathing the kids at a night time.
Replace the toilet with one with dual flush (it's 3 years old traditional style so not changing)
Stop working from home

Oh fourth. It's a very old house and we are not convinced the pipework coming in is not the old stuff so we have to run the tap a bit in the morning before kettle to make sure it's clear.
oh wow, i've just called SE Water cos I was a bit concerned how little I been paying. Only get charged a bill annually and it's not due until April. My last account in old address (1yr ago) was closed and I had a credit from that. So they based my DD on the credit and usual usage. SO no idea what I am actually paying/going to be owing until that bill comes in
Bill came through now, from £7.61 to £27.03 a month. Kind of what I'd now expect to be paying anyway.
Moved into this house in Sept. 2x Adults and 2x Kids. No meter so was on some estimated rates price... £160 A MONTH!!

Tried to get them to reduce it but they refused unless we got a meter fitted. So I've crumbled and got a meter fitted now.

Last place was metered and was about £56 a month I think, should make a good saving providing we've got no leaks.
Can anyone match it and make me feel better? I’ve looked for obvious leaks but can’t find anything.
my home was previously unmetered...i was paying £94/mth as a single occupant
does that make you feel better? :cry:
needless to say, i have now got a water meter
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My last bill was equivalent to just over £40 a month. This was my first bill I had to pay for a while as I got a refund for a leak. The bill went quite high compared to the previous comparable bill so perhaps there's another leak somewhere.
Just bit the bullet - Had new water bill today and they want £603 - Two of us in small bungalow but wife is a gardener and uses the hose a lot in summer - I also used to wash car a few times a week but those days have gone.
So ordered a water meter which will be fitted a month today - They estimate a bill of £400 a year -I will buy anotheer water butt.
We have three big ones in garden and this is just to catch a bit more by the back door and somewhere I can tip bowls of clean water - Every morning we have to run at least one bowl of water to get rid of the chemical smell in water - Another thing we do is tip washing up water down the loo - This is just to put loads of water down pipe as these new toilet systems don't put enough water down to shift a large log on our lazy drains - we have a level bit 12 mtrs into garden towards the road.
Family of 5 with 3 baths and 2 showers per day (baths for little ones though so not much water). £30pm although I think it's increasing to £35 but still doesn't seem bad. Finally convinced my dad to get a meter as well as he was still on standard with just 2 in the house!
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Had the bill for this year the other day. £450.41 for the year, last year was £388.44.

Just had a bill through since moving house, which has a meter.

Fresh Water
45.00m3 @ 181.95 pence per m3 - £81.87
Standing Charge - £6.94

Water Water
42.75m3 @ 130.08 pence per m3 - £55.60
Standing Charge - £4.95

Surface water and highway drainage
Fixed charge Band 3 - detached property - £13.84
Highway Drainage - £3.18

Total £166.38 over 68 day period.

Might just cry, collect my tears and use them to shower instead.
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Family of 4 in a large detached property, kids have own en-suites.

Ranges from £35 to £38 a month.

When we moved in I noted the 5 toilets were all leaking so replaced all of the seals, easy enough to do and brought the bill right down.
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Family of 4 in a large detached property, kids have own en-suites.

Ranges from £35 to £38 a month.

When we moved in I noted the 5 toilets were all leaking so replaced all of the seals, easy enough to do and brought the bill right down.
That's too many bathrooms for anything fewer than 20 people.
That's too many bathrooms for anything fewer than 20 people.

My wife tells me this :p apparently takes a long time to clean.

Soon to have a urinal (beer keg) in the garden for the outdoor bar too. I have said I ll clean that though :)
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