most of these pics are far too tidy, so here's some pics of my latest setup!
bit of a mess in there, had a lot of difficulty routing the tube due to the hard drive waterblock, and i sold my gfx card waterblock and got a zalman to make things a little easier
system is an xp1700+ currently @ 1950mhz @1.65v (but its going to go a lot further soon!), board is an Epox 8RDA+ with 2*256meg samsung pc2700 @ 195fsb synch with the processor, timings 4,3,3,2.5, gfx card is a radeon 9500np, currently at stock, but soon to become the victim of some overclocking once i'm done with the processor
my new radiator setup, not quite finished, its an old case so once i've acquired a new dremel (killed my old one doing the brackets to hold the radiators in place) i can make vent holes in the side, put some galvanised mesh over the holes, and it should look quite professional (i hope!)
the radiators are both from metros, cost me £4, 2 hours and several cut fingers destroying a couple of metros in a scrap yard

the reservoir is a cold water holder thiefed from our fridge (cos we never use it) and the rest of the stuff like the case and copper i had kicking around, so this hasn't cost me much
another pic just to demonstrate how small the radbox is, hence why it was so excessively hard to make everything fit in there (look at the clearance gap between the top of the rad and the bottom fitting of the reservoir, couldn't have been a tighter fit if i'd tried!) everything is held very firmly in place in the radbox so that its nice and portable too, which was the whole point in making it
here are some pics of my old setup, took this apart a few months ago cos it was just too big and i couldn't move it anywhere at all, plus i wanted something which looked a little nicer
(i also stripped the watercooling stuff out of my case just before this as i had a leak which nearly wrote off my radeon, luckily i saved it with a week in the airing cupboard!)
i'll put up a few more pics when i've finally finished the radbox.....