Watercooled Case Gallery

18 Oct 2002
Aranyaprathet, Thailand
Everyone who is water-cooled please post pics. Please keep this thread for pics only, post comments somewhere else please. Only one pic per poster.

The idea is for this to form a reference thread for water-cooling examples.





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Amendments to rig in first post

The rig in the first post here has been changed.

The WhiteWater came out for a BeCooling Slitedge & a T-line was added for easy re-filling. I also used a broken 120mm fan (ouch!) as a shroud.


Just updated. Changed the pump to have gravity help the inlet, put the T so it's straight up. This lot filled and bled in five minutes tops!

Eheim 1250, Little River White Water #095, Nova heatercore, homemade shroud, Titan 120mm
It's amazing how much technology has moved on since when the thread was started

Same case, same radiator (Gold BIX)


LRWW................................Swiftech GTX with copper top
BeCooling pump/res..............Corsair-branded DDC-1 with Petra Top
Water................................Feser Black
XP1700 at 2400...................Q6600 at 3200
Re-use of old parts (Fuzion, Heatercore, DDC1) with cheaply purchased "pre-loved" XSPC reservoir and EK-470 block.


Took a 465GTX from 91C and 81% fan to 46C and silence. :)

Note how perfectly that heatercore fits in a Fractal Design Arc Midi!
Do I see a GTX 550Ti underneath that?haha
Otherwise awesome build, I've been considering using a front-mounted radiator in a pull config when I can, looks pretty good :D

450GTS actually but you were close. All this rig does is fold and stream Internet TV so the 465 runs at 100% 24/7 which was very noisy until now.

Pull configs are very easy to clean as there is nothing on the dusty side of the radiator. Of course, in this case, there is a front 140mm pushing into the front but it's not connected.
As the starter of the thread, it's a shame that so many of the original pics (including mine) have been lost over the years of moving ISP and hosting.

Can I ask how your flow is? I hugely admire the attention to detail and the skill in building a beautiful rig, but as someone who's been doing this since the earliest days (check the OP on this thread) it goes against one of the fundamental rules of shortest possible straight runs and minimum restriction. Please don't take this the wrong way! I'm just interested in whether the modern fittings and better pumps have really overcome the inherent restriction, not criticising.
I'm almost embarrassed as the OP of this amazing gallery to post today's mini effort but whatever.


So this is a H110 fitted via a Kraken G10 to a Zotac GTZ970. The rest of the machine is purely to provide a home for the 970 that folds for OCUK 24/7 hence the water. So apologies for the rest of the system.

For those who've not seen the G10 or tried one, it took me around an hour to remove the GTX970 air-cooler and fit the G10 and the H110. With the block/pump on a GPU the usual mounting places aren't easy to get to and luckily for me the 280 rad fitted very nicely resting up against that lower drive cage with no need to fix it to anything. Temps are nicely down from the standard 80C of a fully-loaded Nvidia to around half of that with only one fan on the radiator.
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the early pages are sadly empty now as people have moved hosts. The following are my images from 2003.


Eheim 1250 pump, Vauxhall heatercore with custom shroud, Little River White Water block
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