We are lucky about the price of the PS3.

Why are people even still discussing the PS3's price - we all know what it is and that is how it will stay.

Too expensive for you? Tough, buy something else :p
ElRazur said:
Please dont buy one if you feel that way. I bought my panasonic viera last month and I havent even watched 100hours on it yet due to me being at work and uni. Do i feel like it was a waste of money? No...I know it will be there for me when ever i wanna watch tv in full hd glory or hammer some alliens on the ps3's Rfom.

I won't be buying one :)
PC Gamings for me atm.
gord said:
The PS3 will still be making a loss for a very long time to come. A PS3 representative recently stated that there will be no price drops for some time unlike the PS2's launch, because of the complex PS3 hardware.

I dont see that happening. Ps3 might be complex but this aint the first time sony have been in a challenge like this before. Besides, am not sure but shouldnt Moore's law be applicable here? Anyway, the loss is for the short run and ultimately profit will be made.
Azza said:
According to wikipedia a lot of other places pay a lot more than us lot in the UK.

UK - $710 for 60Gb
Mexico - $909 for 60Gb
Philippines - $799 for 60Gb

Other that pay more than us include, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Denmark.

Hong Kong is the lowest at a price of $490

£425 is $825 dollars, not $710.
I dont actually think that us paying more is anything to do with Sony, MS, Nintendo or any of the manufacturers tbh.

We pay more here for almost anything than you would do in the states or even the far east - it's just the way it is!!!
ElRazur said:
You mean you have no answer? When you know about those things i asked then perhaps it will make more sense to you. (where is I know nothing when you need him)

Yeah, if i wont play your game i have no answer. I know perfectly well about all those conditions, but regardless of any market conditions £425 is still a ridiculous price and at that point everything else becomes irrelevant, Microsoft managed to put their next gen system out a year ago for £125 less, Sony should have got somewhere a lot closer to that.

You're just a sony fanboy trying to justify the price any way possible.
badgermonkey said:
The PC does more too :p
Yeah like demand constant patches... or display in 16 colours because you are using graphics driver V8.783891a not V8.783891b... or demand DirectX 7.1739c... or randomly crash to desktop 3 hours after your last save.

You can do internetz and download porn on it though.

It's not a ripoff considering the hardware the PS3 has. Ok we didn't ask for it for it harness the processing power of 15 gigaterrabillaflops but it does, nor are we forced to buy it. Give it a year and it'll be affordable. They're losing a considerable amount of money on each console, more on the cheaper one hence why only the 60gb will be released here.
lordrobs said:
Yeah like demand constant patches... or display in 16 colours because you are using graphics driver V8.783891a not V8.783891b... or demand DirectX 7.1739c... or randomly crash to desktop 3 hours after your last save.

You can do internetz and download porn on it though.


I use the drivers that came with my hardware, haven't had new drivers since last May, and it all runs fine :p

But pr0n and internetz are good :p (The first ones better ;) )
Burned_Alive said:
Yeah, if i wont play your game i have no answer. I know perfectly well about all those conditions, but regardless of any market conditions £425 is still a ridiculous price and at that point everything else becomes irrelevant, Microsoft managed to put their next gen system out a year ago for £125 less, Sony should have got somewhere a lot closer to that.

You're just a sony fanboy trying to justify the price any way possible.

So if you claim you know right, what you are saying is what works for ms should work for Sony? I want even playing any game with you. I asked you a genuine question but i guess you still aint answering them due to you having no answer right?

Im a fanboy..? Im not justifying anything - My Sweat, my hard work, my money and my choice. dont have to justify anything. This line of debate is predictable, once people cant see your views or agree, i guess one automatically becomes a fanboy.
Sony increases PS3 price

Too cheap

By Nick Farrell: Monday 29 January 2007, 09:16

ENTERTAINMENT GEAR gear maker Sony has decided that the reason that its PS3 is not selling as well in Canada as it likes is because the most expensive console on the market is too cheap.
According to hereGamersReports Sony has upped the price for the PS3 in Canada by $40 dollars. The new price is Canadian $699.99. Both Best Buy and Futureshop have the console listed at the new price, the old list used to be $659.99.

The move brings Canada into line with what the US charges for the machine, although local users are fuming. It seems that it is just yet another PR own goal by Sony in the PS3 saga which has seen shortages, high prices and a badly managed launch. µ
Ian that news is wrong.Iirc, Sony didnt put up the prices the sellers did. Have a look around for the latest news on that.

via gizmodo

Best Buy and Future Shop may have jacked up the price of a PS3 on our northern neighbors from C$659.99 to C$699.99, but it wasn't an ill-advised cash grab on Sony's part. An SCEC representative confirmed that Sony didn't nudge the price skywards; individual retailers made the choice to do so. I never thought I'd tell someone to buy anything at GameStop—who's maintaining the MSRP—but the PS3 makes us all do strange things.
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1. Next Gen Console
2. Blu-ray Drive
3. 60Gb HDD

the price seems justifiable as the sum of it's parts, where it falls down is that you are 'forced' to buy it all in one go, whether you need the 'extra's' or not.. and you 'need' a HDMI lead as well or it's next to useless..
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