My dipping belt is sat there in preparation for the day I do dips with weights hanging off me once more... Basically in the months I had off of training I transferred the weight I was hanging from my belt to my stomach.
Next session is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it!
So after a rubbish nights sleep last night I passed on going to the garage gym this morning. I then instantly regretted that decision when I decided to go to the garage gym after work this evening. Still, if all the sweat dripping of me is anything to go by, it was good going!
Bar x 5
Bar x 5
40kg x 3
52.5kg x 5 x 5
Seated barbell press:
Can't OHP in the garage as of yet without shifting stuff round. However I may stick with seated so I can't cheat.
Bar x 5 x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
70kg x 5
Wide grip Chin-ups:
These were hilarious. Couldn't even muster up 1... So I did 10 slow as possible negatives. These must have worked because my back/lats burned for a bit afterwards.
Woohoo! The dips are coming back to me! Although to be fair the rest of the workout wasn't massively taxing so although these will probably go back up in the short term they will probably flatten out as the rest of the workout gets harder/takes more out of me.
Another standard session that didn't particular tax me on squats/bench/row but I'm resisting the urge to make any big weight leaps and will stick with the standard progression of 2.5kg per session. Its tough, but I think it will be for the best after 6-8 months off.
Wide grip pull-ups:
Still not quite hitting that fabled one properly. However the negatives felt a lot better and I was able to lower myself slower than before.
Also found a lovely stretch to do before squats which just makes them feel nicer? If that makes sense.
So the squats are starting to feel like I'm actually lifting something now but we aren't quite there yet... I am pleased with the progression though. I'm also impressed with how far the dips have come too in a mere two weeks.
I'm also sorry to say I'm not natty anymore as I've started my creatine loading phase. I had also forgotten how rank BCAA's were... I used to mix it with dextrose so it wasn't so bad but now its just with nesquik and protein and it overpowers both. So so disgusting.
Well my numbers aren't quite up to your pb's but I reckon with a good run I should be close in a year or so's time. Now I'm training alone at home I can stick with a program I want and the equipment that's available doesn't dictate the workout as the squat rack is always free!!! I might even go and do some curls in it at some point.
Right knee felt kind of funny towards the end of the day so I was going to skip the squats and just do the rest of the workout. However after doing some stretches and then some bodyweight squats, bar squats and then light squats all seemed well. So the following happened:
Bar x 3
Bar x 3
40kg x 5
55kg x 3
67.5kg x 5 x 5
These are starting to feel good and I can feel myself getting into a good pattern with the movement and breathing.
Seated barbell press:
27.5kg x 5 x 5
These still feel a bit light. However I'm purposely taking a run up at them as they are usually the first exercise where I and indeed most hit a wall with...
60kg x 5
72.5kg x 5
85kg x 5
These went up pretty easy but the movement feels a bit odd. I'll try and film the next set for you guys to take a look at.
Wide grip pull-ups:
Couldn't get the 1 still and just did around 10 slow negatives. Or as slow as I could go... I'm surprised these aren't responding like the dips but then again I've never been brilliant at them... Still, onwards and upwards
Thanks. Its a big outlay at the beginning but I see it as a long term investment. (Plus I don't think I'll ever max the cage. Its rated to 450kg+!!! Haha!)
So I had a massive migraine yesterday and wasn't feeling the workout hence I did it today as I didn't want to miss it altogether...
bar x 3
bar x 3
40kg x 5
55kg x 3
70kg x 5 x 5
bar x 5
bar x 5
35kg x 3
50kg x 5 x 5
Barbell Row:
40kg x 5 x 5
10 @ BW
10 @ BW
6 @BW
The squats felt nice and solid and the weight progression is going well. I'm really looking forward to getting triple digits on the squats.
Oh and since starting stronglifts and cutting out the rubbish from my diet, fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolates, crisps etc.. My weight has been a constant 101kg. Today I tipped the scales at 102kg? So hopefully we have some noob gainz re-kicking in? Well, that's what I keep telling myself... More than likely its water retention from the creatine I suppose.
So the squats a still feeling good. Nice and deep and I'm starting to feel like I actually need the 1:30 rest between sets. OHP felt pretty heavy for some reason but the 5 x 5 went fine. With the deadlifts I've gone against the advice of the Stronglifts creator and decided to 5 x 5 them from this point forward. (I did the same before but for whatever reason didn't until this point.) Either way I felt a lovely pump at the end of the Deadlifts so they obviously did more for me today. I'll probably regret it tomorrow though...
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