Weekend lie in-when do you wake up?

0430 for the three days a week I'm in the office, normally around 0630 the two days I work from home.

The weekends whenever the nearly 2 year old wakes up so between 0600 and 0800 (normally closer to 0600, whereas we need to wake her up at 0730 for nursery a lot of days in the week :o)
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5-6am usually, although last night I slept from 11.30pm-10.30am which is very unusual. Just going to stay in my pyjamas today now. :D
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Today is my 1st of my 4 days off. I finished work at 2200 last night, and when I got home I was gaming with a few lads from work until silly o'clock. I hit the hay at about 0400 and didn't wake up until 1330. :D
Today is my 1st of my 4 days off. I finished work at 2200 last night, and when I got home I was gaming with a few lads from work until silly o'clock. I hit the hay at about 0400 and didn't wake up until 1330. :D
Those where the days, I used to game with others in the US back when MSN gaming Zone was a thing and I used to do all nighters.

Now, I am in bed by 11pm lol
Body clock doesn't know it's the weekend, so always wake up the same time.

Need a week off to be able to start laying in.
5:30am in the week. The weekends i am normally busy and schedule varies. If i need a long run i het up 4am on the summer, 5:30-6am in the winter.

yesterday i slept in to 6am then today was up 5:10am to get my daughter to a ski race.

Often weekdays i get up later than the weekend. On the few days i have zero need for an alarm i struggle to sleep past 6:30 to 7am
9 + 9:30 this weekend, pretty happy with that considering the 2 year old dictates any kind of lie-ins! :-D

If left to my own devices I’d probably be in bed until about 10am latest, feels a waste of the weekend to lie in for too long.
5:30am in the week. The weekends i am normally busy and schedule varies. If i need a long run i het up 4am on the summer, 5:30-6am in the winter.

yesterday i slept in to 6am then today was up 5:10am to get my daughter to a ski race.

Often weekdays i get up later than the weekend. On the few days i have zero need for an alarm i struggle to sleep past 6:30 to 7am
What time do you go to bed?

I'm similar to you OP, but I feel like the weekend lie ins make getting up in the week much worse. I'm usually trying to go to sleep by 11pm. Trying being the operative word because my sleep is absolutely terrible.
What time do you go to bed?

I'm similar to you OP, but I feel like the weekend lie ins make getting up in the week much worse. I'm usually trying to go to sleep by 11pm. Trying being the operative word because my sleep is absolutely terrible.
I try to get 8 hours sleep but 7-7:30 is too common
I'm not a morning person at all but ot is far easier to get things done early without disruptions
Despite not being a morning person, I usually like to get up early at the weekend so I can get out and do something otherwise it feels like I'm wasting a day. However, both of us have been absolutely wiped out by flu this week so I was still in bed at 11am!
I always feel like a lie in just wastes free weekend time. I'm up at 5:30 during the week, weekends I'm normally up between 7 and 8.
6am Mon - Fri, weekends 7am - 8am.

I'd love to stay in bed at the weekends longer, but wifey is up early and ofc no consideration for anyone else.

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