Weekend lie in-when do you wake up?

Used to stay up late, 1am, 2am console gaming and such but as I’ve gotten older (I’m 40 on Wednesday) can’t do that anymore without writing off the next day.

Winters I’m finding especially difficult now, eg getting up in the dark and getting out of office dark. You question life choices when the alarm goes off :D.

Weekday 21:00 bedtime - 05:45 alarm…rollout of bed around 06:00

Weekend - awake from 8am but if possible will go back to sleep for long as I can.

Covid WFH all week was some of the happiest times and solidified my plan to retire early so get out of this office based rat run that is The City.
0600-0630, naturally. I can't really sleep in past 0830 these days. Usually in bed 1130-1200.

Sometimes I long for the days I could wake up at 11/12 but they are long, long gone!
I usually stay awake quite late on the weekends or sometimes not, if I do I may have a bit of a lay in weekend mornings.

although i try to wake up about 8:30-9 ish

unless i am working doing O/T which is quite frequent across the weeks in a month / throughout the year. (Sat and Sun) in which case then i could wake up at 06:30 or 07:00 on the weekends and crack on with some work tasks.
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I usually sleep from about 12pm to 5ish, wake up for an hour or so, listen to the radio and sleep again until about 9. I start work (from home) at about 10. At the weekend I do pretty much the same except I go to bed a little later and get up around 7 to feed and let the cat out, and go back to bed 'till around 10. Been the same for decades. No kids.
My partner is up around 6:15 M- F to muck the horses out and go to work. As she leaves the house around 7:15, I'll get up. However, I've usually been awake when she gets up. On Saturdays, we both typically exercise. She will mainly be in the pool at 8 am, and I'll be running, which usually means we get up around 6:45-7. Sundays, it depends if we've got anything on; otherwise, we'll have a lie-in until 9.
What is this thing that you talk of, a lay in? I recall it happening many moons ago pre-children but no more. Children don't want to get up all week and then at the weekend they're up at the crack of dawn!
I'm not a morning person. My natural sleep pattern is bed at 2-3am and up and 10-11. I juts cant go to bed at 10, unless i'm on deaths door so i struggle generally living in the real world lol. Especially when the wife books an early flight for whatever trip/holiday and ive got to be up at 4!

I should make more effort to get better sleep, i get a lot of migraines which might improve if i could sort out my sleep. Once everyone else goes to bed, is the only chance i get to do gaming, tv&movie watching, hobbies etc, so i'd be even more miserable if i didnt get that time.
I'm not a morning person. My natural sleep pattern is bed at 2-3am and up and 10-11. I juts cant go to bed at 10, unless i'm on deaths door so i struggle generally living in the real world lol. Especially when the wife books an early flight for whatever trip/holiday and ive got to be up at 4!

I should make more effort to get better sleep, i get a lot of migraines which might improve if i could sort out my sleep. Once everyone else goes to bed, is the only chance i get to do gaming, tv&movie watching, hobbies etc, so i'd be even more miserable if i didnt get that time.
This is me. Bed at 12.30-1.30am on a worknight. Alarm at 7 and a series of repeat alarms, get up at 8am. Slightly earlier in summer, I seem to get up ok if there's a lot of daylight. Winter kills me.

Weekends I go to bed 1-2am but I've often had periods where it's 3am. Wake up the first time around 9am but struggle to get physically up and mobile for an hour or two.

I just feel like mornings hurt me and it takes 2-3 hours to feel human regardless of what time or how many hours sleep. I guess if you're up at 7am then you can feel normal by the time work starts, but it's hard. I've always struggled to get to sleep before midnight if I do get to bed anyway.
Whenever I want to, same as any other day. I try and aim for 8 hours a night so it depends how long I stay up the night before.
This is me. Bed at 12.30-1.30am on a worknight. Alarm at 7 and a series of repeat alarms, get up at 8am. Slightly earlier in summer, I seem to get up ok if there's a lot of daylight. Winter kills me.

Weekends I go to bed 1-2am but I've often had periods where it's 3am. Wake up the first time around 9am but struggle to get physically up and mobile for an hour or two.

I just feel like mornings hurt me and it takes 2-3 hours to feel human regardless of what time or how many hours sleep. I guess if you're up at 7am then you can feel normal by the time work starts, but it's hard. I've always struggled to get to sleep before midnight if I do get to bed anyway.
I often get a second wind at about 12/1 ish, then i could just stay up for hours, and i feel pretty good (for me lol) but then i go to bed, because people are going to want me up in the morning, then i wake up feeling awful, then feel awful most of the day, then i generally feel better in the evening.

I'm incompatible with the world!
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