Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

I can't wait for all this new capcom stuff, especially street fighter hd and bionic commando.

Dark Mist - I haven't really played it much at all, I don't like the fact that if you die your back to the beginning of the maze, I give up too easily :p

Superstardust was an excellent old school asteroids shooter, with excellent graphics and sound, now it's time to see R-Type style games, using the full graphical effects available to devs. A few years ago, old school scrolling shooters, using latest 3D card tech seemed to be coming out all the time on the PC. Still 2D to play, but using polys, and super fancy explosions etc. I'd love to see something like that on PSN. Or even 3D remakes, I really enjoyed Silpheed etc on PS2, hell, I even still have the PS1 version of Project X here.


The thing about Dark Mist is I'm sure it's better once everything's unlocked (I managed to find a video on youtube that reminds me a bit of survival in SSHD. I'm not a fan of having to go back to the start of the game everyone time you turn the game on (in SSHD you could choose which planet to start from once it was unlocked) but the expansion pack to Dark Mist at least is supposed to have save points (as well as extra characters and multiplayer :)).

Really looking forward to some more 2d / pseudo-3d shooters - I'm still hopeful that Soldner-X is going to be good, as the developers seem to be taking in feedback from the pc release. Then there's Novastrike which will hopefully see a UK release soonish (the developers have stated they will release in the US first then UK - source - actually, it's an interesting read / interview :)). Besides that there's Powerup Forever (and here) which looks to be pretty interesting :)
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Just had a look on store, a decent update today.

Super Puzzle Fighter 2 HD Remix -£6.99
Rayman(PS1/PSP) £3.49
MediEvil: Resurrection(PSP) £14.99
Army Of Two:Veteran Pack(2 Free co-op campaign maps,1 free MP map & a alternate ending to the game!) Free!
Super Stardust Trailer
Overlord Raising Hell Trailer
MGS 4 E3 Trailer
Pixeljunk Monsters Wallpaper
2 POP Wallpapers
My eyes lit up when you said Commandos. I thought it was the old 2D top-down game :(

But still, Bad Company and Civ revolution :D Winners.
ill be getting civ revolution, always loved the series and will be good to see how this version is
The Pal content is up,

Today's European Store Update:

PS3 Games:

- Battlefield: Bad Company Demo
- Dragonball Z Demo

PS3 Game Add-ons:

- Toy Home DLC
- 2 x Guitar Hero 3 Packs (motorhead and the GOW2 theme)

PS1 Game:

- Rainbow Six

PSP Game:

- Killzone Liberation


- God of War Theme
- Resident Evil 5 Trailer
- Top Spin 3 Trailer
- PS day trailers
- 2008 spring trailer
In case anybody missed it (I did):

ps forums said:
We have been following your feedback on the forums and are very pleased to announce that a preview video function within the PLAYSTATION®Store is now available for our game content: you now have the ability to stream a sample video from certain titles before you buy. If a preview video is available for a piece of content it will appear underneath the "Download" button on the item screen.

This week we have previews for the following titles, with more to follow in the coming weeks:

* Dark Mist
* flOw
* GT5 Prologue
* High Velocity Bowling
* PixelJunk Racers
* Sky Diving
* Toy Home
* Warhawk
* Warhawk: Operation Broken Mirror
i was actually pretty impressed, the graphics aint amazing but i definitely wouldnt call it bad, i wasnt keen on the tearing and fog though. Gameplay-wise seems decent, destructible environments seemed pretty cool, controls seemed slightly weird compared to all the other fps's out there. Will keep an eye out on this one for sure :)
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