Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

Store update looks like the usual non event.

I'm actually hacked off this week.

Usually, I don't expect much, and aren't disappointed when we don't get much... I always check the US store in the evening, which generally has better demos and stuff to try anyway, so makes no difference to me which store it comes out on.

Today however, I really was really disappointed, as I've been looking forward to BC Rearmed for so long, and was really hoping we'd get it today.
The Japanese have already got it, I expect the States will have it later... I'd love to know why it is that the UK store often gets left behind? Is it a question of the BBFC or whoever want to check the stuff? They're fitting a new HDD to fit the new stuff on, on their 386 server? ;)

What a shame.

I'm actually p155ed off this week.

Usually, I don't expect much, and aren't disappointed when we don't get much... I always check the US store in the evening, which generally has better demos and stuff to try anyway, so makes no difference to me which store it comes out on.

Today however, I really was really disappointed, as I've been looking forward to BC Rearmed for so long, and was really hoping we'd get it today.
The Japanese have already got it, I expect the States will have it later... I'd love to know why it is that the UK store often gets left behind? Is it a question of the BBFC or whoever want to check the stuff? They're fitting a new HDD to fit the new stuff on, on their 386 server? ;)

What a shame.


Blame SCEE and their insistence on having the European stores in sync with one another so as not to upset the Continentals. There really is no need for our store not to be virtually (I assume some videos might be a problem) the same as the U.S. one with only UK CC's allowed for payment.
Blame SCEE and their insistence on having the European stores in sync with one another so as not to upset the Continentals. There really is no need for our store not to be virtually (I assume some videos might be a problem) the same as the U.S. one with only UK CC's allowed for payment.

I see, is that what it is?
We have to wait for the rest of Europe to get their translations done?

Shame they couldn't just post the game in each region with "English" written afterwards, I'm sure a great many Europeans wouldn't mind at all.

Ah well, maybe next week! ;)

In the meantime, rp2000, did you ever get 1942 from the US store? ;)
Has anybody played on the 1942 demo on the US store?

I had a couple of goes earlier on, and absolutely loved it.
The brief play I had sucked me right in, and now I really cannot wait for it to hit the UK PSN store... well, I can, I'm going to have to! :rolleyes: ;)

Anyway, was surprised nobody else had commented on it, or am I the only one who likes these games? ;)

So, maybe NEXT WEEK?? 1942 AND Bionic Commando? ;) (and one day, Novastrike)

In the meantime, rp2000, did you ever get 1942 from the US store? ;)

No. Only had $13 in my USA wallet so took a punt and just bought Bionic Commando (Plus I am convinced 1942 has no replay value from all I read). I am hoping it is better than the Japan demo I played. The challenge thing that was on the demo I enjoyed, and I only just found out this is on PS3 version only.

It's like a simplified time trial version with a kind of stripped down Metal Gear VR mode type graphics. Will probably be the bit I keep playing to try and get high scores :)

No. Only had $13 in my USA wallet so took a punt and just bought Bionic Commando (Plus I am convinced 1942 has no replay value from all I read). I am hoping it is better than the Japan demo I played. The challenge thing that was on the demo I enjoyed, and I only just found out this is on PS3 version only.

It's like a simplified time trial version with a kind of stripped down Metal Gear VR mode type graphics. Will probably be the bit I keep playing to try and get high scores :)


Fair enough.

Before I'd seen either of them, I'd assumed BC rearmed was to be on top of my PSN wanted list, with 1942 afterwards, but after playing 1942 last night, and BC the night before, it's definitely changed now, and I can't wait to get hold of 1942. BC still good, but 1942 was better than I was expecting.

Yeah, on the Jap demo, I had a few goes in the challenge room, the first one where you have to swing from one side to the other as quickly as possible... after the initial frustrating attempts, I made it, I forget the time, but it was I think just shy of 11.5 secs.... and can see me, when I get the full game, putting some time into that too, was more fun than I'd imagined it would be... once you stop dropping to your death ;)

EDIT: rp2000, just got your msg over PSN, thanks. Btw. Aside from Heroes being region free from the States, did you see in the UK we have a series 1+2 boxset? Prices don't differ much from the States.


EDIT: as far as no reply value goes, I know 1942 I can play to death, as I still do the original on MAME and on the PSP. I was surprised at the Commando game though, once I'd finished it (on my first go, and only lost one life) I had no desire to go back and play it again. Shame. With 1942 though, I imagine there will be an online scoreboard, and maybe can take over from SSDHD for a while..... who am I kidding? ;) Pure class! I look forward to the PSP version of SSDHD.
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So Street Fighter was released somewhere then?

I might be tempted to sign up a USA account then if thats there and Bionic is able to be played on PSP. I would guess that Alpha would work on the PSP too?
Ahha, so according to this, there must've been a Friday update, and Bionic Commando is now available on the UK PSN? :)

Okay, color us confused, but kind of impressed. We were just tipped off that Bionic Commando Rearmed, that awesome current-gen re-imagining of the old Capcom classic, is now available on the European PlayStation Store. "Surely not," we thought. We wrote the European store update up yesterday and BCR was nowhere to be seen.

Nevertheless, the tip was correct. Bionic Commando Rearmed is now available, in both full-game and demo form, on the European PlayStation Store. For UK patrons, you can hookshot the game for £6.99, while those of you who deal in Euros (Brodie-san, we're looking at you) will need to part with €9.99. Nice work SCEE. So, have you bought it yet? Why not? Go get!
not really impressed with bionic commando... it looked kinda cool but the controls are a bit iffy and dont feel that responsive either. was quite happy with 1942 though, might very well be a purchase :D
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