Weird Things Your Neighbours Do

My wife made me gravel the raised bed next to the lawn. I swear gravel is some sort of slow-acting weed fertiliser.

Even with the weed control sheet down the gravel is ideal for collecting all the bird dropping, the dust from the air (especially in my area, we have a bunch of sand quarries), then the airborne and bird dropped seeds settle on a surface that has good drainage and nothing to compete with them...
I could spend a morning pulling up the weeds from one small area, then a week later they'd be back, with friends!

I much prefer grass as it's run the mower over it every few weeks, and occasionally get the fiskars weed grabber out to get the daisies etc out.
Having said that the back lawn is more back "green", it's in shade a lot and very damp for much of the year so what looks like a lovely lawn from a distance rapidly turns into a mix of moss and low lying weeds of various types for the back third.
I've more or less given up trying to keep it as grass as it feels utterly futile and at least the rabbits, badgers, squirrels and deer seem to like it.
I regularly talk to my dogs in the garden, so I'm probably the weird neighbour
nothing wrong with that, I used to give our mutt a running commentary of what I was doing at times. It helped me concentrate on what I was doing and think things through:) (it also kept him happy as I was "paying attention" to him).
What worrying is when they talk back, or you realise you're talking to a dog that's not around any more:( (it took me years to get out of the habit of asking him if he wanted to go in the garden whenever I opened the back door,).
Our neighbour takes his ferret for a walk on a lead. They also water the garden while it's raining quite heavily.
I've heard of the ferret thing, apparently it's a good way to exercise them and give them a bit of fresh air, probably no different really to walking your small dog.
As long as he doesn't carry it up his trousers on the way back it's fine ;)
The left side neighbour cleans her windows on the inside EVERYDAY...and I'm not talking a quick wipe. Every single one of them gets a windowleening every morning between 6-8am....

My right side neighbour stands in the middle of his vegetable patch just looking at them for 20-30 mins at a time....doesnt move from the spot, talk or anything just stands there looking at them like he's trying to telepathicly communicate with his onions and carrots.

They are both retired and pensioners....just saying :cry:
One of our is in and out in the car as though he's running his own highway patrol even though they're retired. The other has grown conifers over his kitchen window so he can't see other peoples cars whilst displaying all his wheelie bins for everyone else to see.
He probably thinks you are fapping to him so you need to be clearer with your communication and then I'm sure everything will be fine.

I should probably check Onlyfans, I've been dropping hints in their mailbox every day for the last year, need to make sure the right person is getting them.
I get on great with all my neighbours but my neighbour to the right has had a war with his neighbour for about two decades.
Every now and then I hear a loud belly laugh and it's him standing outside their window just laughing loudly.
My neighbour the other side earns money Landscape Gardening and this is his garden -

Bold of you to assume that just because a tradesman says he can do something and does it for a living, that he is in anyway good at it :p.
Not collecting parcels for days that you've taken in for them.
On the flip side it's annoying when you've been trying to collect parcels for days but the neighbors are out constantly. Then when they are back they sit firm 'waiting for you to collect'.

Even odder they saw me washing the car, and when my wife went round they explained how they'd opened it by mistake :confused:
Oh boy here we go.

1 - Water been flushed for 14+ hours a day continuously. wtf!!!
2 - Water dripping out of overflow pipe 24/7. wtf!!!
3 - Humming noise from above my living room lasting for hours.
4 - Daily basis for weeks on end, sounds that sound like scraping above my bedroom, and in addition heavy things been moved round the room, 2-3 times a day about 30-60 mins at a time.
5 - People coming and going during the night.

I rang up crimestoppers two weeks ago, I asked them is this cannabis growth, as I was confused as all the news articles dont mention water usage, he told me high water usage is a common thing. So a report was filed.

These are the same neighbours where a water leak from their flat caused my kitchen ceiling to collapse as well.
Last week water was leaking from their bathroom to my bathroom through ceiling so high water usage in there. Same day their hot water tub collapsed and leaked over my hot water tub below it.
one neighbour has got a full set of christmas lights draped on the front of the house and garden which are on EVERY night as their solar-powered, along with a bathtub in the middle of the garden.
Bold of you to assume that just because a tradesman says he can do something and does it for a living, that he is in anyway good at it :p.

He has repeat customers so must be doing something right.
I think it's more to do with saying "Mechanics never fix their own cars".
nothing wrong with that, I used to give our mutt a running commentary of what I was doing at times. It helped me concentrate on what I was doing and think things through:) (it also kept him happy as I was "paying attention" to him).
What worrying is when they talk back, or you realise you're talking to a dog that's not around any more:( (it took me years to get out of the habit of asking him if he wanted to go in the garden whenever I opened the back door,).
Yes, exactly that - Running commentary

"Look Phoebe/Autumn (2 dogs) I think the grass needs mowing. I'll get the lawnmower out the shed"
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