Oh boy here we go.
1 - Water been flushed for 14+ hours a day continuously. wtf!!!
2 - Water dripping out of overflow pipe 24/7. wtf!!!
3 - Humming noise from above my living room lasting for hours.
4 - Daily basis for weeks on end, sounds that sound like scraping above my bedroom, and in addition heavy things been moved round the room, 2-3 times a day about 30-60 mins at a time.
5 - People coming and going during the night.
I rang up crimestoppers two weeks ago, I asked them is this cannabis growth, as I was confused as all the news articles dont mention water usage, he told me high water usage is a common thing. So a report was filed.
These are the same neighbours where a water leak from their flat caused my kitchen ceiling to collapse as well.
Last week water was leaking from their bathroom to my bathroom through ceiling so high water usage in there. Same day their hot water tub collapsed and leaked over my hot water tub below it.