Weird Things Your Neighbours Do

Long term project, something to keep himself busy during the various lockdowns, planning ahead for something?
relations of Dennis Nilsen

Refuses to acknowledge my existence.
does depend how much you might have p**d someone off ?
new neighbour has been parking a high side transit in front of houses, when like us, they have a garage with run up ... it's a if I need to explain it to you you wouldn't understand scenario
relations of Dennis Nilsen

does depend how much you might have p**d someone off ?
new neighbour has been parking a high side transit in front of houses, when like us, they have a garage with run up ... it's a if I need to explain it to you you wouldn't understand scenario
My premature ejac'ing neighbor I have deffo p'eed off because I wanted right to light in my living room and his silly plans for a full length extension were quashed. The old dude across the road, no idea.

I thought high side transits were banned from being kerb parked?
^ forklift driver at a place I worked at used to say 'oop Squirrel' after an audible fart...

re the bin rummaging - I used to hear what sounded like someone going through the bins same time every Friday night but realised was actually a Tesco delivery after bothering to look out the window :p
I live in a flat and there is a communal bin area. It sounds like one of the neighbours likes to dig through the bins for some reason.

Immediate downstairs neighbour has been in his flat a grand total of about 20 times in the last 6.5 years I’ve lived here. Obviously not his main home but I do wonder why he keeps it.
Bolt hole away from the missus I expect
Oh boy here we go.

1 - Water been flushed for 14+ hours a day continuously. wtf!!!
2 - Water dripping out of overflow pipe 24/7. wtf!!!
3 - Humming noise from above my living room lasting for hours.
4 - Daily basis for weeks on end, sounds that sound like scraping above my bedroom, and in addition heavy things been moved round the room, 2-3 times a day about 30-60 mins at a time.
5 - People coming and going during the night.

I rang up crimestoppers two weeks ago, I asked them is this cannabis growth, as I was confused as all the news articles dont mention water usage, he told me high water usage is a common thing. So a report was filed.

These are the same neighbours where a water leak from their flat caused my kitchen ceiling to collapse as well.
Last week water was leaking from their bathroom to my bathroom through ceiling so high water usage in there. Same day their hot water tub collapsed and leaked over my hot water tub below it.

Thats insane, like breaking bad bathtub collapse insane woot. How much water do they need up there.

At my mid floor flat there is a window in the coridoor with a evacuation throw rope to get out over a rooftop. Its a bit like a wakeboarding line. I've mentioned a few times to my neighbor above the way we could run this system. It doesn't help that i've ran abseil sessions with children because I suppose I sounded excited to use this throwline. I'm not crazy but i'm sure I had him wondering for a sec :D
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My next door neighbour rings or sends me a text when our gardener arrives each month and how long they’ve been / what they’ve done.

I’ve never asked for this or shown even the slightest interest or response to it but they still continue..

My neighbour, the one who belly laughs at his neighbour, buys us a bottle of whisky every month since 1983.
It's a thank you for 'Looking after his house' while he goes to his caravan once a month for the weekend.
We don't like whisky and always give it away and we're too nice to ask for something else :)
For a wonder we have fairly normal neighbours (whenever we have trades people in it often surprises them we get along OK as it isn't what they are used to in the area). The wider area though tends to attract a certain type for some reason - rich, a little peculiar, do not get on with their neighbours almost on principle and will only interact with their neighbours via solicitor/lawyer even for the most trivial of things.
One of our neighbours has their front living room window filled with children's toys. They are piled up so high on top of each other it looks as if it's a house of child hoarders. In fact, now it's got so bad that the toys are starting to spill out through their back door and onto the street.

One day I was walking past their house with my mum and said, "see that house, their window looks horrible, they should clear it up" and a guy on the bench we were walking past said, "that's my house actually". I just said, "OK" and carried on walking. It is very strange.
Our house resembles that at times, living room piles of toys, kids bedroom pile of toys, albeit not to window height. You can spend an hour tidying it up then it ends up tipped out again the next day, need to make more of it inaccessible but it feels like really we need a month off work to tidy the house, declutter etc.

Had an old neighbour that was obsessed with parking directly outside his house, if my wife's car was parked there and a space opened up in front of ours he would come knocking to suggest moving it up. One time my wife was out and he suggested he could move the car himself, to which I just gave an incredulous look and I think even he realised he was being a bit OTT.

Neighbour on the other side there was a psycho woman that would have arguments with her boyfriend, screaming rows, a couple of times she smashed her own windows, from the inside to out. I remember when we were selling our house it not being a fantastic look to have a boarded up window next door, other times there would be mobs of people hanging around outside at like 3am on a weekday.
Had an old neighbour that was obsessed with parking directly outside his house, if my wife's car was parked there and a space opened up in front of ours he would come knocking to suggest moving it up. One time my wife was out and he suggested he could move the car himself, to which I just gave an incredulous look and I think even he realised he was being a bit OTT.

I don't miss the parking shenanigans at my old house, albeit we had our own drive so managed to avoid most of it other than having to manoeuvre around some of the mess at the worst times.

Everyone would *have* to park exactly outside their house, then by the end of the evening you'd have odd spaces left which in combination would fit another few cars while the stragglers would be parked in bad places - then everyone would be bemoaning the lack of parking spaces *facepalm* and similar with people moving their vehicles, when half a chance came up, to their spot even if it messed things up for use of space...

Most of them had unsued garages around the back as well...
Had an old neighbour that was obsessed with parking directly outside his house, if my wife's car was parked there and a space opened up in front of ours he would come knocking to suggest moving it up.

I can go better than that.
The old woman who lived next door never had a car but she would go out to drivers who parked their cars outside her house and force them to move.
I tried to tell her what rights they had but she would never listen, the pavement, grass verge and road were hers.
One of our neighbours has their front living room window filled with children's toys. They are piled up so high on top of each other it looks as if it's a house of child hoarders. In fact, now it's got so bad that the toys are starting to spill out through their back door and onto the street.

One day I was walking past their house with my mum and said, "see that house, their window looks horrible, they should clear it up" and a guy on the bench we were walking past said, "that's my house actually". I just said, "OK" and carried on walking. It is very strange.
Had a near neighbour who’s living window looked like the shop window in Bagpuss, but just old dolls and a rocking horse. Window, house and garden were kept immaculate, but original early 1900s immaculate. Older couple in their 70s who never had any visitors as far as I can remember.

All a bit odd.
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