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Croydon Airport, England, on the 30th September 1938. Neville Chamberlain speaks to the press.

This morning I had another talk with the German chancellor Herr Hitler. And here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine.

Some of you perhaps have already heard what it contains, but I would just like to read it to you...

"Type into Google, the following phrase...

The name Rosetta refers to the crucial breakthrough in the research regarding Egyptian hieroglyphs. It especially represents the "translation" of "silent" symbols into a living language, which is necessary in order to make the whole content of information of these symbols accessible.

The name Rosetta is attached to the stone of Rosette. This is a compact basalt slab (114x72x28 cm) that was found in July 1799 in the small Egyptian village Rosette (Raschid), which is located in the western delta of the Nile. Today the stone is kept at the British Museum in London. It contains three inscriptions that represent a single text in three different variants of script, a decree from the priests of Memphis about googlewacking. (196 b.c.).
you're posting is fantastic
no, i mean it's really fine
but a search performed before the post
would have saved us all some time

You see, we've seen this post before
it's the news of yester year
and if you post this news again
I'll give you a thick ear

so please do search before you post
it doesn't take much time
and it'll help avoid these posts
that ridicule your crime
Alas, poor Yorick!

I know this, Horatio: a thread of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: it hath borne me on its back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!

My gorge rims at it. Here hangs that thread that I have read I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of originality, that were wont to set the forum on a roar?

Not one now, to mock your own posting? quite chap-fallen?
Now get you to the prior week, and tell me then, that the humour be fresh, to hark of things to come; make me laugh at that.
Int Suburban hallway,

(close up of letter box, it opens, several letters are pushed through)

(long shot up staircase of man in pajama bottoms decending staircase, he looks scruffy, his hair is sticking up, he has bags under his eyes)

(long shot from top of stairs as man passes half way point down staircase, he reaches bottom and picks up letters from door mat)

(medium tracking shot as man enters kitchen, throws letters on table and puts tea bag in cup)

(Medium shot of woman entering kitchen she sits at table and opens one of the letters, she reads contents, discards letter)

(close up of man buttering toast)

(close up of woman opening another letter, she reads and again discards contents)
(close up of man removing tea bag from cup)
(medium shot of woman opening and reading final peace of mail)

Woman - "its a final demand from the electricity company, they say they STILL have not recieved payment for the last quarter"

Man - "BLOODY HELL!! THEY should have HAD IT BY NOW!!...........................YOU POSTED IT LAST WEEK!!!

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