Wenger: Stamp out rugby

As has no doubt been said and pointed out in the papers by columnists, Arsene Wengers team of old had the worse discipline record, doesn't seem to worry him when it goes his way eh

No team is going to play to Arsenal's strengths are they so he can whine all he wants
This is just a veiled request for referees to award more freekicks and dish out more cards when his players go down too easily, Ferguson usually says similar to put pressure on referees before big games as well.

Teams like Arsenal/Man UTD are deadly even from set pieces so they hate games where the referee keeps the game flowing when a team gets in their faces and close them down quickly not allowing them any time on the ball.
Good on you Chamakh. Get in there son. As I said above, in one way or another - can't beat 'em, join 'em!

This tbh...about time Arsenal started roughing up other teams;)...now we just need to break a few legs and we are on par with the blackburns and stokes of this world:p.
Stoke have lodged a complaint about what Wenger pointed out from the Stoke/Spurs match the other week.

I haven't seen the game or the incidents, however LOL does come to mind. Their lawyers ate steak that night.
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you seem unable to shoulder challenge a keeper, its like the keeper has some priority rules over other players but this shouldnt be the case he is like any other player, except that he can use his hands.
You actually think it should be fair game to shoulder barge a keeper? Really?
Punt ball upfield. "Nudge" goalie over. Watch/tap ball over line. Job done.

Every corner managers would simply tell their biggest, strongest player to "challenge" for the ball with the keeper, taking him completely out of action.

I know you know nothing about managing Nick, but you really are special if you think that's a good idea for a rule in football.
you know what? i used to coach a team now i just play for one instead as there is less pressure.

Every corner managers would simply tell their biggest, strongest player to "challenge" for the ball with the keeper, taking him completely out of action.

thats what they do anyway? apart from inside the 6 yard box, a goalkeeper is just a normal player but with gloves on and usually a longer sleeve shirt?

Punt ball upfield. "Nudge" goalie over. Watch/tap ball over line. Job done.

in this little game are we pretending that defenders, or offside no longer exist?
I would have thought if you'd played football the reason the keepers are protected is pretty obvious - to primarily prevent injury to the keeper and secondary to protect the other players.

Primarily because when keepers go for the ball their hands and body position are very different to going up to head the ball where people tend to bounce off each other from similar heights - with your arms raised and hands occupied you are far more likely to be up-ended and then they would have to choose between holding on to the ball and landing very awkardly on their head or shoulders, or dropping the ball so they can use their arms to land safely, which is just stupid.

The secondary effect would be that if you dropped the protection of the keepers, they will have no alternative but to go in a damn sight harder to protect themselves, which means that the opposition players are more likely to get crocked too.
you know what? i used to coach a team now i just play for one instead as there is less pressure.
Bully for you, but I'm afraid I'm actually Jose Mourinho, so I win.

thats what they do anyway? apart from inside the 6 yard box, a goalkeeper is just a normal player but with gloves on and usually a longer sleeve shirt?
Err, except for the fact that could then completely legitimately barge the keeper over and take him out? And not get penalised for it, like they rightfully are now?

in this little game are we pretending that defenders, or offside no longer exist?
In this hypothetical scenario, we're assuming that something has otherwise rendered any defenders unable to act in this scenario, and that no, the offside hasn't occured. Like, you know, those times an attacker is put clean through by a neat little through ball from midfield? Except that this time, there's no need to judge how much power to put on the pass so as not to lose it to the keeper, when you can just hoist it up and let your attacker run straight into him. Because that's "fair game" now.
Blackburn Punting the ball into our penalty area from every single stoppage in play was pretty hilarious... but also insipid after a while. I'd be pretty ****ed-off if I paid good money every week to go and watch my team, and that was what was served up.

The ironic thing is Blackburn's goal came about from a nice footballing move. It was direct, but they kept it on the deck. If they had had the inclination to try it a second time in the game, who knows, they might have got a second goal!
Bully for you, but I'm afraid I'm actually Jose Mourinho, so I win.

Err, except for the fact that could then completely legitimately barge the keeper over and take him out? And not get penalised for it, like they rightfully are now?


i dont know where this attitude has come from but, no way jose. he's in spain and doesnt have time to post on here/ what do you think you have won?

why would i need to manage anything to have an opinion on whether goalkeepers get too much protection or not? can i not have a viewpoint as a fan?

i dont see many shoulder barges going on if im honest with you. i see a lot of free kicks for goalkeepers though on minimal contact uneccessarily.

. Like, you know, those times an attacker is put clean through by a neat little through ball from midfield? Except that this time, there's no need to judge how much power to put on the pass so as not to lose it to the keeper, when you can just hoist it up and let your attacker run straight into him. Because that's "fair game" now.

so the attacker would be running towards the goalie and the goalie towards the attacker, where is a shoulder charge going to come into play in this instance?

a shoulder charge must be shoulder to shoulder. if the ball is in the air, the keeper already has a 2 ft advantage with being able to use his hands. unless they are jumping side by side and the keeper gets frankly, outpositioned or out muscled then there is no advatnage to the attacker for being able to shoulder charge him.

you do understand that shoulder to shoulder doesnt mean that the attacker can run headlong into and headbutt the keeper right?
I think Wenger has a point. Watch any game and you'll see defenders applying holds to attackers in the penalty area that any WWF star would be proud of - yet they get away with it. This along with all the unpunished shirt pulling has, in my opinion, no place in football.
I always find it funny about the people who have pop at AW, or posts videos of arsenal players doing a bad tackle, no one has ever denied that Arsenal do bad tackles all teams all players do it.

What I think is different between arsenal and say the likes of stoke, Blackburn (and Bolton when Sam was there) is that there players ( the bad ones) tend to try play the player, I watch football quite impartially (I'm south African so rugby is my sport)and its plain as day this happens, do I blame them no not really but would I never publicity have a go at AW for telling it like it is.

Mangers like Pulis and co tell their players to stick it to em, as they don't like it, and then they cry innocence when a players leg is broken, you can't have it both ways.

Either accept thats what teams do and don't cry about it when you get tarred with the brush or speak out against it, but don't try say it does not happen just makes you look really silly.
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