Were any of you ever in the Beaver, Cubs or Scouts?

I was in Beavers Cubs and Scouts and I'm now a Scout leader.

In my experience, it's only as good as the leaders. Some are progressive, others are stuck in the 1950s.
Me and my brother both did Cubs. Don't remember much about it other than 'Akela' feeling both of us up and presumably a lot of other kids too, as about 15 years later he got bound to a chair in the petrol station he owned and the whole lot went up in flames!
I was in all 3.

I still remember the “swimming up” thing they did when you were too old for beavers and went up to the Cubs.

Did some fun activities in the Cubs around the school grounds it was run in, like going looking for different bugs, camp fires etc and the odd over night tent gig in the school field.

Scouts was different wasn’t overly enamoured with it, went camping a few times for the weekend which was fun.
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Was in cubs. It was awesome. Got to the age to become a scout and rehearsed the ceremony of the jumper being pulled off (did they all do that?) Then instantly left.
It went from being fun with all my friends 40 or so of us, to some kind of very strange paramilitary for 12 teenagers lol
Everyone was much older than me and one of the Leaders sons was star scout so it was just weird.
I personally think anyone in their early teens and going to scouts is a bit of a weirdo.
Thats time for drinking cider till you vomit and trying to be cool to impress anything of the opposite sex. (this was the 80s so that was mostly true sex and gender wasnt so fluid)

I was a sixer (unterfeldwebel) and i think it was grey Six. We had grey toggles. lol

Best fun was playing dodgeball, or MURDERball as it became known as 5 fully grown adult men threw basketballs at children to take them out. Innocent fun.

My entire arm was badges i think i had 40 odd i cant recall.... and some big special ones for camping and marching about on St Georges day.
in da beeva?

can't remember but must have been the cubs, although I think it was called cub scouts?

anyway...the 'hut 'they used was next to the chippy..remember getting chips afterwards when waiting on a lift home, around 50p for a bag at the time
remember being sick at easter after eating too much chocolate, and at the only camp I went to remember toasting marshmallows, so very food based memories :p
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Venture scouts was cool, we spent most time playing billiards in a room off the main scout hut equipped with a full size table, unused bar and sofas. We also renovated a van to get us from Hampshire to the lake district to go camping, I am sure we made it more by luck than judgement, standing out in the snow drinking beer was one memory of that trip. Short trousers, woggles and berets were usually optional.
I personally think anyone in their early teens and going to scouts is a bit of a weirdo.
Thats time for drinking cider till you vomit

Funny you should say that, our troop had a week long camp in Weston-super-Mare and one of the days, for some reason, we had a tour of a scrumpy mill. Cue three or four of us getting that ******* plastered that the scoutmaster decided to take us to hospital and then phoned our parents to grass us up. **** knows why they didn't just take us back to the campsite and let us sleep it off.
I was in Beavers Cubs and Scouts and I'm now a Scout leader.

In my experience, it's only as good as the leaders. Some are progressive, others are stuck in the 1950s.

I think you're right there my experience was of a total lack of direction just seemed to be an excuse for people to muck about didn't get a single damn badge there was absolutely no focus on anything, the one activity weekend I did enjoy not so much for the uncomfortable tent but for the shooting and archery and other stuff I really enjoyed I always have fond memories of that.
I was in the scouts, and actually got suspended for a short duration for being a gobby little sh*te on one of the camps :D

Parents laugh about it now, but I was in deeeep doodoo at the time!
Same here, seemed to be a way longer journey back when I was kid. I lived with a bird in Stone for a while, right on the edge of the Downsbanks by Meaford, and it was strange to have Kibblestone within such a short walking distance when it felt like it took ages to get there with the scouts.

What troop were you in?
I was in the 22nd on Liverpool Road.

Little story:
I walked home one evening to where the new 6th Form is (I lived in Hancock Street) so had to go under that very low bridge that takes the tops off buses.
I was just about to go under the bridge when all the sirens went off and a lorry hurtled past me but it didn't hit the roof of the bridge.
I poo'd and wet myself on the spot :)
I was in the Army cadets and a couple of mates were in the scouts , so I went one night to a scout 'meeting' and asked if I could join. They said it was full and that was that. I'm convinced they just didnt want me in it cos I was a bit of a tearaway back then and I guess I wasnt pretty enough
What troop were you in?
I was in the 22nd on Liverpool Road.

Little story:
I walked home one evening to where the new 6th Form is (I lived in Hancock Street) so had to go under that very low bridge that takes the tops off buses.
I was just about to go under the bridge when all the sirens went off and a lorry hurtled past me but it didn't hit the roof of the bridge.
I poo'd and wet myself on the spot :)

22nd here too, but our scout hut was down by the Adventure Playground on London Rd., it's still there too.
I was in the beavers then cubs for a short while.

I remember absolutely nothing about it.
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Funny you should say that, our troop had a week long camp in Weston-super-Mare and one of the days, for some reason, we had a tour of a scrumpy mill. Cue three or four of us getting that ******* plastered that the scoutmaster decided to take us to hospital and then phoned our parents to grass us up. **** knows why they didn't just take us back to the campsite and let us sleep it off.

as boring as it sounds...if you were under the legal drinking age (by any amount) then that seems pretty standard, especally if you're on some organised event/activity with someone that could be held responsible
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