Originally posted by MindYerBeak
So far there are 57 + 5 = 62 people who advocate smacking kiddies. There are only 5 + 4 = 9 people who are against smacking.
Do you not see how widespread and accepted it is to smack a defenceless child? In essence it can be considered a form of bullying. We're used to smacking kiddies and accept it as the norm for the raising of a child.
You become what you are taught is a well known saying. What's the point in having a well behaved child who's been brought up in a smacking environment if that child's life has been changed according to the wishes of it's parent? The child itself is not it's true self, but a reflection of the parent. Most parents try and model their kids on themselves rather than allow them to develope their own characters and personas. If you've been smacked as a child, it's almost certain that you will smack your child, too. It's a never ending cycle of violence and is the widespread continued norm of lazy parenting in my opinion. Sit your kids down and explain right and wrong to them, not raise your hand in anger to someone who can't fight back. You wouldn't dare raise your hand to an adult who could. Children are not as thick as some people give them credit for.
MYB - maybe your situation when you were younger has lead you to belive all smacking is bullying =, uncontrolled, angry, etc etc. Its got nothing to do with picking on defenceless children except in a few isolated cases which, from reading every post in this thread, it seems is frowned upon. The people who have posted in here have said they knew they were wrong when it happened and it worked, and would use the same methods on their own kids - not they were beaten for everything and anything needlessly and would do the same to their children now.
Its sad to hear of parents abusing their kids, but thankfully it doesnt happen that much and most people can differentiate between discipline and bullying/beating a child needlessly.