US: Westworld

7 Feb 2008
Yeah it's not great, it's really dragged on IMO. I also keep finding myself second guessing everything and wondering if it's really different timelines and who is or isn't a synthetic.

There aren't really any likable characters either (Maeve is OK but she's only recently started doing something interesting).
6 Aug 2010
I think Westworld will live or die by the next 4 episodes for me.

It hasn't been gripping enough and most of the reason I keep watching it to see how it all fits together. If it follows a Lost archetype of asking more while rarely providing an answer then it will quickly end up off the watch list. Conversely, if they get a good twist and explains that things that have been going on then it could make the slow build worth it.
27 Dec 2002
The original man in black (Brynner) on level 83 was a nice little touch. I'm not entirely convinced on the timelines theory. There are some odd things, however, such as the logo being different at different points in the show (the scenes with Maeve and Felix is the new logo, the scenes with William and when we see the old system it's the old logo).

Also, despite Maeve being the madam, have we ever seen her in any scenes with Clementine when she is with William/obnoxious Ben.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Something I noticed today was Bernard was not wearing glasses in all scenes, even when they were consecutive. He wasn't wearing them inside. The he went outside and was wearing different clothes and glasses. That might be a further indication of different timelines.



18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
Also, despite Maeve being the madam, have we ever seen her in any scenes with Clementine when she is with William/obnoxious Ben.

We haven't. But it's not just the absence of some of the characters, there are also settle differences design of the town of Sweetwater. In Meave in Mariposa/Teddy returning on the train to Dolores/Hector riding to rob Mariposa the building with oak balcony on the other side of the road directly opposite of Mariposa's entrance is a Mining Exchange. Further down is green timber building of The Sweetwater Bakery. In William's town of Sweetwater, that building with the same balcony, before Sweetwater Bakery is The Coronado Hotel and Restaurant....
8 Jun 2013
getting stupider by the episode, it seems.
why are those techs so blackmailed by the host when they could just turn her off and wipe her? how rubbish are the Army at tying knots? and some guy taking a p*** all over the main floor/hologram device? really?
8 Sep 2005
Really amazing series and I am enjoying it thoroughly. The moral questions raised are really how it would be like in real life... you can see that is brings out the extreme sides to every person, whether that be the psychopaths, sociopaths, or repressed do-gooders. The fact that all of the hosts look so real means that the more guests indulge in those fantasies, the more twisted and broken they become. As would many of us.

Things such as this (in whatever form it takes) where history is re-created for our amusement could well turn into a reality a few centuries from now. Imagine living as a medieval king, or a Roman centurion, or, well anything...

Roll on the holodecks!

getting stupider by the episode, it seems.
why are those techs so blackmailed by the host when they could just turn her off and wipe her? how rubbish are the Army at tying knots? and some guy taking a p*** all over the main floor/hologram device? really?

The virgin tech had a clear chance to turn all of her attributes down to 0 (as the abusive tech was signalling him to with his eyes)... instead he turned it right up to max. It was clearly intentional and the virgin tech has serious psychological issues. He is infatuated with the female hosts, sees them as somehow real and wants to see what happens.

As for the army and crappy knots, it's perfectly feasible they are programmed to intentionally make it easy for guests to escape should they get caught in that situation. Can you imagine a guest being tied up for days? No, me neither.

The guy taking a pee on the main floor is just an EPIC douchebag with an ego the size of Wales who just spent months working on a storyline that Hopkins shot down in 30 seconds. His reaction was to get wasted and show them he doesn't give a ****.

If you can't figure any of that out then I suggest you switch over to some less mentally taxing shows.
8 Jun 2013
uh, and what about the non-virgin host? it took about 12 seconds to do a total 180 about fearing for his job etc to "yeah we'll just do all this and change settings despite knowing people will be able to see what we've done. oh and making them a 20 intelligence seems like a great idea too doesn't it?"
lol, nice stretch. you seem to be forgetting the whole park is monitored so there's no way a guest would be left like that.
nice stretch again, it's just a totally stupid plot point and utterly unrealistic to think he'd remotely be part of the company from that point on.
but yeah, one more episode then i'll leave it to all you intellectual giants.
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