We've got a new member....

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Originally posted by Sphinx
The racism card being played so much really annoys me. I have friends across the spectrum, but I must say that I'd find wandering through Brixton and bumping into a gang of 6 black guys quite scary.

Yes & one of those black guys would probably find an afternoon at Millwall football ground VERY scary.
To be honest mate, I'd find an afternoon at Millwall footy ground scary. I don't think it matters what colour you are. If you're wearing a shirt that doesn't match, or even if you look at one of the "firm" in the wrong way, you're in for a bad time.
your a BNP member yourself and so is "Death Commando" if your backing this guy up so much

I'm a BNP member? For the record (got now I have to justify my ******* political views now!!:rolleyes: )

I'm not a fan of the BNP , I would never support nor vote for them , that is my choice.. I'm just trying to stand up for another forum members choice , quite possibly a new forum member who doens't deserve to get scared off by witch hunters and gossipers and people standing up on the back of moral high horses.

Sure , theres a 99.999% chance that this is an april fools , or an amusing trolling by either the establishment or elsewhere.

But what i'm trying to say is THATS NOT THE POINT , the point is why can't people be called what they want without being leapt on by every nosey so and so in the place?

If this member (should he exist) WANT to make a comment on his political leaning , or promote the BNP or otherwise, i'm sure a THREAD will be forthcoming.

So i've said it before, and i'll say it again , leave him be!:mad:
Originally posted by Fusion
I think Mike Tyson would!

I don't go there as I don't support a team in that division (and besides, I'm more into Ice Hockey than footy). One of my friends who is a Brentford fan has very nearly gone home in an ambulance after narrowly avoiding a pasting, and he's a scarfer.

The griefers (read: a proportion of fans) at Millwall and the other clubs aren't Nazis or racists. They're just out to cause a row, simple as that.

I disagree with the BNPs views/methods but in some ways they do have a point - immigration for economic reasons is all well & good - but if people come to this country, don't learn english, live in their own secluded communities & have arranged marriages with their cousins then they are doing nothing for this country - they are just continuing the cycle of their own poverty & being a burden on our overstretched welfare system/NHS.

Just my 2p's worth

(Jesters hat back on)
Originally posted by Doctor.Bob
I disagree with the BNPs views/methods but in some ways they do have a point - immigration for economic reasons is all well & good - but if people come to this country, don't learn english, live in their own secluded communities & have arranged marriages with their cousins then they are doing nothing for this country - they are just continuing the cycle of their own poverty & being a burden on our overstretched welfare system/NHS.

lmao @ arranged marriages with their cousins, rofl that had me in stitches :D

if people come to this country and dont learn the language and do not make an effort to integrate then get rid off them. But the bnp and other people seem to ignore the fact they are a minority and the majority have integrated and get along fine with the others. This is what i have a problem with
Originally posted by r1cko
right.. great.. whatever..

did you even read what i wrote? i said it was fine expressing your views, i was merely pointing out that anyone who names themselves in such a manner are only doing so to stir up trouble.

Which is correct :)

For evidence, just check this thread...
Originally posted by silverpaw
Or he's named after Max Mosley, FIA chief...
Possibly, though I don't think Max (second som of Oswald, by the way) is a Sir, is he?

Originally posted by Balddog
Oi, i mentioned it earlier in the thread :p
Sorry, Baldy. I missed that. I might've known it wouldn't have slipped under the Don radar :D

Originally posted by Balddog
I dont really see a problem with either of their names to be honest.
Neither do I, as such. But it seems such names are calculated to be contentious, and that worries me a bit, as it would if someone signed up as Osama Bin Laden, Adolph Hitler or Saddam Hussein.

It just seems that there isn't really any need to pick names that seem calculated to wind people up other than to wind people up. There has to be a limit, somewhere, as to what is outside the realms of good taste. BNP Member may not be outside that limit, but personally I would have thought it was at least close to it.
Originally posted by Jazz
lmao @ arranged marriages with their cousins, rofl that had me in stitches :D

Lot's of cultures have arranged marriages to cousins - then reap the benefit in terms of the genetic diseases their kids are born with. I see it all the time - it's ******* crazy - they see one kid die of something horrible, then when the next one comes along with exactly the same thing (1 in 4 chance) they just pray to bloody allah (or whoever) & refuse to accept the child is ****** & want us to pull out all the stops treating them & then get pregnant with no. 3 while no. 2 is dying on ITU, etc. etc.

It sounds funny but it is no joke - there's an awful lot of misery associated with it, not to mention the cost to the taxpayer.
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