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gurdas, you dont seem to understand.....

there may be more white people in prison over black people but per percentage of population there are more black people in prison than white.

'. In June 1999, the rate of incarceration per 100,000 of the general population was 1,265 for black people, 184 for white people and 147 for South Asians'

taken from http://www.blacklondon.org.uk/news/cjb_statement.doc
if i was walking around in the town alone at night, i'd be more worried if i come across a group of 13 year old white kids compared to a group of brutal-looking black dudes :)
Originally posted by gurdas
So your comment was WELL OFF, they are not majority but minority. Your assumption was that non whites caused more trouble and where the MAJORITY in prisons which is racism/prejudice in its self.

So, 18% of men in prison are black - a minority.

Out of interest, what percentage of men in Britain are black?
modD, you are wrong to be more worried about a gang of white kids... take a look at the stats !!

Violence against the person:

Blacks over three times 'more likely' to commit violence against the person.
According to prison population figures they are 5 times 'more likely'.

Sexual offences:

Blacks four times 'more likely' to commit sexual offences. These are
reflected exactly in prison population figures (8%).

Blacks fifteen times 'more likely' to commit robbery. This is crucial when
we look at the stop and search rates. To reach parity with offending and
arrest rates, officers would have to stop black suspects at a rate of 15
times that of whites. As it is they stop and search at half that rate. The
prison figures are slightly lower than the arrest rates, coming in at a mere
20% or 10 times 'more likely'.


Blacks three times 'more likely' to commit burglary. The prison rates show
slight increase on the arrest figures at 7.5%.

Theft and handling:

Blacks three times 'more likely' to commit theft and handling. The prison
rates reflect this nearly exactly (7%).

Fraud and forgery:
Blacks over six times 'more likely' to commit fraud and forgery. This again
is reflected exactly in the prison statistics (13.5%).

Criminal damage:
Blacks over twice as likely to commit criminal damage. Criminal damage is
not listed in the prison statistics.

Black are five times 'more likely' to commit drugs offences. The prison
statistics double this to 22%. Making the black 'more likely' tally 10

[ Source: Home Office Excel spreadsheet Tab 5.5. For the Prison figures referred to above see Tab 8.5]

from http://www.ukpoliticsmisc.org.uk/weblog/archive/2002_11_03_old.php
Black men commit more crimes and make up a larger amount of the prison population PRO RATA than white men.

The reasons for that are debatable, but those are the facts.
Originally posted by gurdas
"• Ethnic minorities are under-represented in the policy service; prison service, lay magistry and senior posts in all the criminal justice agencies."

Could that be a reason?

this makes me laugh, som you're saying the reson for the high percentage of black people in prison is wrong imprisonment because of their colour? i suppose the police discriminate against them too, infact the whole legal system must.
Originally posted by JonnyV
modD, you are wrong to be more worried about a gang of white kids... take a look at the stats !!

maybe you're right... but since coming here a few years ago, i've had a few incidents of verbal abuses, racial slurs, attempted muggings and all. The attempted mugging was ironic, coz 2 black rasta guys came and told the little kids to 'leave those poor guys alone'!

anyway, i'm not generalizing or anything. i suppose every race has got their rotten eggs... prolly depends on your area.
Originally posted by gurdas
Is there any need for that honestly? Its not even slightly funny, for a man of honour I would expect at least some decensy(sp?)

jesus (i'm sure that's offensive so i'll say Allah aswell) but will you give it a rest.

You've been offended how many times over the slightest thing? what doesn't offend you?
so you may think blacks do not get set up by the police well you are wrong they do and i have met many in prison who were innocent, i know a good few black lads from Liverpool8 who were stitched up, no i am not talking crap i know for a fact,

infact i know more than probably anyone here, and to be honest i have been sentenced to a 4 year prison sentence a 3 year i have been given 18 months twice a 12 month sentence and a few prison remands were i finally got a not guilty so 9 months in walton prison on remand for a crime i never comitted, yes i have comitted many big deal i did my time. and i saw and met many who were set up by the police

but the point is you all say it is not racial with blacks well sadly it is.

btw lifes good:D
stay out of trouble mate, i was a fool in the biggest order and hate my past it ruins you in more ways than you could ever imagine i class myself like others as nothing but idiots thinking crime was good it is not in the long run
this makes me laugh, som you're saying the reson for the high percentage of black people in prison is wrong imprisonment because of their colour? i suppose the police discriminate against them too, infact the whole legal system must.

Quite tired, only scanned thorough the posts tbh... since you all want a 'racism debate' I'll just add that their is a MASSIVE amount of POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION in the UK when it comes to employment in general tbh.

a lot of places go laong the lines of 'we haven't met our quota for Portuguese people employed !! OMFG OMFG!!!' for example , especially in the civil service...

Just some unsupported but quite true fuel for you're discussion!:)

Mikol , just basically making another point;) But noted!! Me and my m8s often joke about homosexuality , because its funny , none of us have anything against Homesexuals!:)
Originally posted by Doctor.Bob
(Jesters hat back on)
oi gimme my hat back you monkeh :( ;)

If Mr BNP used that nick puposely to wind everyone up, then he has succeded greatly.
If he did it out of all innocence then the guy will be to embarrassed to post. Either way, we probably wont hear anything from him.
Originally posted by scouse_git
so you may think blacks do not get set up by the police well you are wrong they do and i have met many in prison who were innocent, i know a good few black lads from Liverpool8 who were stitched up, no i am not talking crap i know for a fact,

No, you don't know for a fact. You've got just their word. Of course they are going to say they were innocent.
Originally posted by jester
oi gimme my hat back you monkeh :( ;)

If Mr BNP used that nick puposely to wind everyone up, then he has succeded greatly.
If he did it out of all innocence then the guy will be to embarrassed to post. Either way, we probably wont hear anything from him.

Well he registered again afterwards...
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