Windows 10 has Windows Defender built in, unless you specifically disabled it then you've been using it without knowing. I would recommend disabling it even if you don't run alternative antivirus software since it's essentially malware itself now.Not used AV since Windows 10 came out - not had a single issue.
Common sense is all that's needed, be wary of where you go, and what you click on.
When was the last time you remember Defender stopping a legitimate threat? With common sense most people won't have had a virus for several years with no antivirus, so "never had a virus" isn't a good way to judge it. Many tests show it does a poor job compared to most third party antivirus, and it has a ridiculously high false positive rate, sometimes even deliberately mislabeling safe software it doesn't like such as qBittorrent.Yeah, defender for me..never had a virus etc.. in a matter of years!
Windows 10 has Windows Defender built in, unless you specifically disabled it then you've been using it without knowing. I would recommend disabling it even if you don't run alternative antivirus software since it's essentially malware itself now.