What are the 30 year old plus gamers playing?


Been playing Star Trek Online in my PS4 for the past month or so and really enjoying it. I spent enough to get the starter pack but can’t afford more (separated from the wife, got a 2 Year old) so getting a carrier is going to take some serious work!

I only really play what’s free or comes with my plus subscription, don’t always get something I want or like but it’s good to try something new. Gone Home was the first of that genre I tried and loved it.
37 here, I stopped gaming for a while nothing interested me, then I got myself a vive, I'm now replaying skyrim, loving doom 3d, and enjoying PC2 VR
I hit 50 this month and I'm currently playing two Point Hospital. I dabbled with the COD beta I am looking forward to the full release. I play FPS, RTS and sims.
just hit the big 50 a few weeks back :( but have sunk 350+ hours into Battletech/Roguetech and am currently downloading the new Bards Tale as i was about when the original came out! and have fond memories.

The days of FPS are long gone. Too fast as i prefer slower games that need a little thought nowadays :)
Still playing the odd level/gradually working my way through a Quake/Heretic mod called Descent into Heresy.

Playing Stalker with the Anomaly mod and really enjoying it, as well as Quake 2 with graphics mods, which, is a little more bearable as I'm only dipping in now and then to tackle it in smaller bite-sized chunks. I definitely prefer the first game to the second one, though the N64 music tracks are superb.
I'm 30+15...used to play lots of games, but having less time means I've focused on my main interest, which is racing driving. More disposable income for toys means I've got all the kit to be a virtual racer. Getting the Rift was literally a game changer for me, VR just works brilliantly despite it's flaws, the immersion is amazing.
The titles I play are the usual racing titles, ProjectCars2, AC, iRacing (not subbed at the mo), RRE, still occasionally have a blast on Live for Speed. Once RF2 sort out the VR performance I'll give it another crack but the performance has been terrible every time I tried it, and I can't drive pancake anymore. I even chill out with a bit of ETS2 sometimes.
The E-sports side is getting very competitive now, but I managed to get through to the final of the OCUK comp a couple of years ago, the 2 full Palmer Sport days were awesome and a prize on their own. I didn't do very well against the kids in the final, they were fearless in the torrential rain, I wasn't so much lol.
Finding it really hard to complete games lately so trying to limit myself to Kingdom Come, Rimworld and Rocket League with occasional PUBG with mates. Once I finish with KDC I may give Witcher 3 another go unless Mount and Blade Bannerlord is out by then. :)
kind of bored of gaming for awhile now, but gave warframe a go since it's free and It seems pretty fun, seems theres no end game though just farming for weapon materials and mods but the game play is pretty fun so it's not became so boring yet.

quite a long grind for mastery points to unlock things though since you can only take a mastery test every 24 hours
At 31 I don't feel like I should be playing anything different to what I have been for the last 15 years, anyone else feel the same? I play WoW and a variety of FPS games like Fortnite, PUBG, Overwatch, etc. I also bought Two Point Hospital which I'll get round to playing once the BFA hype of WoW dies down.
At 31 I don't feel like I should be playing anything different to what I have been for the last 15 years, anyone else feel the same? I play WoW and a variety of FPS games like Fortnite, PUBG, Overwatch, etc. I also bought Two Point Hospital which I'll get round to playing once the BFA hype of WoW dies down.

Indeed, 44 here, been gaming since the early 80's, still play everything. :)

Hows the wow expansion? Not played for about a year now. :)
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