What are the best RPGs on the PC (single player)?

finally tried witcher 3 after giving it a go a year ago and not being able to keep it up for an hour. have now played for about 15 hours- 20 hours and can confirm it's boring. the story seems like it's interesting, but getting through it all is so boring. needed more boobs

if zelda breath of wild could be considered an RPG, i'd suggest buying a second hand wii u or switch just to play it then sell the console on
I find it odd that you find W3 boring but recommend BotW. Don't get me wrong the combat is fun enough and the world is a joy to explore...for a few hours. Then you realise there's bugger all in it. You end up fighting the same enemies to scavenge the same loot or find a shrine that's either identical to dozens of the ones you've already completed or a short puzzle that takes 2 minutes to solve. It's a good game but if you don't enjoy wandering around aimlessly for hours on end for no real reason the game feels so empty in comparison to something like W3
I do completely get where you're coming from. The towns for instance are tiny and as dead as they come. But zelda captured something few open world games have managed to get right which is the desire to explore aimlessly to discover things. Zelda was an incredible game for this the sense of just go out and see where you end up and along the way you often discover new mechanics. Witcher I literally just ran as quick a possible along a path to get to the quest goal, to do the dialogue, and then run as quick as possible back along another path to finish the quest. There's no need for exploring
Witcher 3 has boring dialogue??? Are you guys nuts? Are you expecting Geralt to be all pepped up and loud like 90% of streamers popping all over the place? lol

It's dialogue is simply stunning and true to the books, as is the whole game. Witcher 3 is by far, the best RPG ever made.

Not sure if you are referring to myself or others but for there is just too much of it. It's dialogue after dialogue on top of cutscenes which for some (definitely me!) is just not what floats my boat.
The scripting and acting is undoubtedly great but constantly having the game take control away while you have a chat just results in the game being a talking simulator at times.
Not sure if you are referring to myself or others but for there is just too much of it. It's dialogue after dialogue on top of cutscenes which for some (definitely me!) is just not what floats my boat.
The scripting and acting is undoubtedly great but constantly having the game take control away while you have a chat just results in the game being a talking simulator at times.

mmmm I've had Witcher 3 on my HD for a while but never really started it.
Knights of the old republic 1 + 2
Fallout 1 +2
Fallout New Vegas + mods
Witcher 3 isn't an rpg imho , its a console game with arcade combat best suited for a controller, i can understand its appeal but its more of a fantasy adventure game than an rpg
Knights of the old republic 1 + 2
Fallout 1 +2
Fallout New Vegas + mods
Witcher 3 isn't an rpg imho , its a console game with arcade combat best suited for a controller, i can understand its appeal but its more of a fantasy adventure game than an rpg

Thanks I'll give these a go

Skyrim is a fantastic game to sink a few hundred hours into - even if it is a bit old nowadays, and the combat's not the best but it's worth it just for the story, exploration and crazy modding you can do.
Thanks I'll give it a go.
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Thanks for that, game looks great

Actually, Original Sin 2 is getting a major upgrade to its latter stages through a free DLC in a few weeks time.

Once you are done with 2 you can then play the first one which is also very strong.

If you like that sort of game I can also recommend the Shawdowrun series. They don't have a full 3D rotatable camera and no recorded dialog however it is dripping in atmosphere.
Vampire the Masquerades: Bloodlines is well worth a punt. The unofficial patches have certainly helped.
another vote for the witcher 3 - i'm currently playing it and its the best game ever made imo.
Another vote for dragon age origins - by far the best of the dragon age games. The others are entertaining but no way near as deep and satisfying.
Witcher 3 is excellent. The biggest problem for me isn't hte lacklustre combat, but the sheer amount of content. I tried doing it all, every contract, every bar fight, every Gwent match and I got fatigue by the time I came to the first major city (Novigrad). I stopped playing it and have kept dipping in and out for years.

I have a very soft spot for Dragon Age Inquisition. Love hte combat (mage is boring though) love the characters, love the graphics and love the voice actors (Cassandra :o *heart*). Doesn't deserve the bad reputation some people have given it.
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