What are the top strategy games of recent years?

If they re-released redalert (1) with better AI, more units allowed on the map, internet play and lowered scroll speed (its stupidly fast even on lowest) then I would never play anything else.
Zip said:
Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war(really look into this one coz its great)

This is the first demo i tried from this thread so far, have to say i quite enjoyed it, at first i was a bit unsure because it was a bit different to what i was expecting but once i got into it i found it quite fun especially the hero unit you can play in first person, i started playing the demo in story mode around 7pm and then had a long skirmish battle, i thought it was getting on to 12am but i exited the game to see 3:16am! :eek:
People will probably shout at me for this, but playing X-Com UFO defense on WinXp has put this old chestnut back on my high list :)
Radiation said:
This is the first demo i tried from this thread so far, have to say i quite enjoyed it, at first i was a bit unsure because it was a bit different to what i was expecting but once i got into it i found it quite fun especially the hero unit you can play in first person, i started playing the demo in story mode around 7pm and then had a long skirmish battle, i thought it was getting on to 12am but i exited the game to see 3:16am! :eek:
Told you its great :D
If your ships sink and you have people on them you can make them swim to land :cool:
lol do people still play Total Annihilation? That was a brilliant game, I loved the big bertha guns boy did they rule rack up 10-20 of them and you'll wipe out the map! Do remember my PC slowing right down with aircraft battles, should pick it up again now it'll sure play better!
Biohazard said:
lol do people still play Total Annihilation? That was a brilliant game, I loved the big bertha guns boy did they rule rack up 10-20 of them and you'll wipe out the map! Do remember my PC slowing right down with aircraft battles, should pick it up again now it'll sure play better!

heh last time i gave it a game i chucked it on the max res just for gigles... the commander is about the size of a peewee :) (which in turn are almost invisible)
CLAWS said:
Rise of Legends

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War + Winter Assault Expansion + Dark Crusade expansion out later this year.

I only play the above two with the latter including the most recent expansions. Really looking forward to Dark Crusade.

Thats probably word for word what I was going to write :)

Quite like RoL but not many seem to agree. DoW is pretty awesome IMO and yeah, Dark Crusade is a must buy - hopefully last one before all new posh engine DoW2 time!
EddScott said:
Thats probably word for word what I was going to write :)

Quite like RoL but not many seem to agree. DoW is pretty awesome IMO and yeah, Dark Crusade is a must buy - hopefully last one before all new posh engine DoW2 time!

What can I say, great minds hey :) Or fools seldom differ :p

My one critic with DoW is that once the race to top tier is done, its pretty much a spamfest of all the hardest units ie -

Imperial Guard - Kasrkyns + Leman Russ

Space Marines - Terminators + Preds + Whirlies

Chaos - Mass possessed marines or obliterators plus preds

Eldar - Warp spider mass + 10 prisms + avatar and you'll cake your pants

This definitely gets a bit tiresome sometimes. I dont know maybe Im expecting too much, hopefully Dark Crusade should be interesting. An as mentioned already, Mark of Chaos looks awesome :)
I remember one good strategy game from back in my uni days. It was called Warlord battlecry. Most recent one of it is Warlords Battlecry III. Very very good strategy game.

Easy to get into and some awesome fun. Only problem is that the community for this game was extremely small and a little bit elitist at times.
janesssssy said:
Im sure someone will say starcraft :p :rolleyes:

The new TA will be out soon.

That's because it's fact. TA and C&C are ok but are very poor in multiplayer by comparison. I'm very suprised that the gaming "fans" on here don't go on about it more considering how popular it is and how dominant it is in professional gaming.

FPS ****** suck :(

Edit: And single player "strategy". That sucks more.
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Is StarCraft universally played by a lot of people, or is the main concentration in a certain country? Thing is, you harp on about it being so popular, yet except for yourself, I have never met anyone who plays it :confused:

MoNkeE said:
Is StarCraft universally played by a lot of people, or is the main concentration in a certain country? Thing is, you harp on about it being so popular, yet except for yourself, I have never met anyone who plays it :confused:

Just stating the facts kid.

British people are well known for playing generic FPS games unfortunately and generally avoid 1v1 games. British lack competitiveness.

janesssssy said:

total annihilation supreme commander is the one to watch in the future.

I concur. SC2 would certainly suck and blizzard know it.
Kreeeee said:
Just stating the facts kid.

British people are well known for playing generic FPS games unfortunately and generally avoid 1v1 games. British lack competitiveness.

that's a fact aswell, i personally hate 1v1 but enjoy 2+v2+ in all games

but really suprised no one said LOTR:BFME i mean not the greatest games about but i enjoyed thm online for a while

otherwise ground control2 and dawn of war are ones i can think of, GC2 is only good fun with co op really
Pants said:
Whats a good one to play for a "n00b" to strategy. Ideally a more recent one with good eye candy?

Age of Empires 3.
Its as easy to pick up as masturbation. And it has got pretty good eye candy aswell.
And coz you are a noob you wont expect more like i do :)
Kreeeee said:
Just stating the facts kid.

British people are well known for playing generic FPS games unfortunately and generally avoid 1v1 games. British lack competitiveness.

No no, I didn't mean that in a hostile way, don't get me wrong. Just I've been playing online games for many years, from Red Alert 1 to Battlefield 2 - never met anyone who plays StarCraft :)

And to the chap who said GC2 - I preferred the original FAR more - the squad control was fantastic and it seemed a very balanced game.

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