What are the top strategy games of recent years?

MoNkeE said:
And to the chap who said GC2 - I preferred the original FAR more - the squad control was fantastic and it seemed a very balanced game.


Hmm... I'll let you off for having great taste :)

1v1 RTS is where it's at. I can't stand 3v3 etc where luck of the team prevails over skill and massing becomes the only viable "strategy. Almost as dull as playing "Strategy" against computers.
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Kreeeee said:
Hmm... I'll let you off for having great taste :)

1v1 RTS is where it's at. I can't stand 3v3 etc where luck of the team prevails over skill and massing becomes the only viable "strategy. Almost as dull as playing "Strategy" against computers.

I can see where you're coming from without doubt. It's really annoying when you're having a battle, and your enemies team mate just sends their entire army in to help, whilst your team-mate does nowt.

The only 1v1's I've ever really done has been against my Dad on TA - they were epic. 2+ hour battles, using every tactic possible and still not managing to make any real ground!

me and my housemates play the odd game of generals, wc3 or dow ... you can enjoy teamgames then as your on voicecoms, know your teammates and if your in trouble know they will assist

i do agree for random games 1on1 is the way forward as i dont want to count the amount of 2on2 games of zero hour ive had where someone has dropped on load and completely ruined the game for the other 3.
MoNkeE said:
The only 1v1's I've ever really done has been against my Dad on TA - they were epic. 2+ hour battles, using every tactic possible and still not managing to make any real ground!

I don't like that either. I liek the whole game to have you on edge. in SC you make at least 3 mouse clicks/keyboard presses every second before spamming. In 2hour + games of TA you spend ages sitting there twiddling your thumbs.

DJammyRasta said:
know your teammates and if your in trouble know they will assist

i do agree for random games 1on1 is the way forward as i dont want to count the amount of 2on2 games of zero hour ive had where someone has dropped on load and completely ruined the game for the other 3.
In any RTS 1v1 is vastly superior to 2v2 IMO
AoE3 was very poor.

I'd say

Dawn of War for online and realtime in general

Rome Total War if you are torn between real time and turn based (still offers real time multiplayer mind)

Advance Wars DS or 2 for quickish turn based

Civ 4 for life consuming turn based.
unfortunately i find the same issues with strategy games time and time again, from c&c original to everything now. you can generally win any map using the most basic unit in masse and its easier to do that in the end than build up a lot of more expensive units that are "better" but do the same job. to a point its often easier to use a single type of unit as the way control works, crappy AI, wall hugging, stupid opponent ai it all becomes very silly to try and really use different style units well. of course a lot of that doesn't stand up to multiplayer but most games spend a significant amount of time on single player and i always find campaign mode more interesting than multiplayer on strategy games.

yuri's revenge rocked, but all i ended up doing would be building 5 prism tanks, 2 mins of small fights and they are all veterans and unbeatable by anything, worked on any map, any level any opponents.

the only thing i'd say i really found awful about galactic civ 2 is the technology researching. research is fine and dandy and part and parcel of a lot of strategy games but there were literally like probably 150 or more different things to research. it wasn't clear at all what you needed to get certain ships, takes way to long, and i won almost every level i bothered playing without getting any really good units or good anything. it turns into a very boring games as the research and ultimately any fun ships just don't become available until a ridiculous length of time into the game. most boring strat game i've played i would say.
drunkenmaster said:
unfortunately i find the same issues with strategy games time and time again, from c&c original to everything now. you can generally win any map using the most basic unit in masse and its easier to do that in the end than build up a lot of more expensive units that are "better" but do the same job.
Never played starcraft online then? It's not about the "best" unit as thankfully there isn't one but about which combination of units you use and when.
Not the norm but how about looking at a real Strategy game like Hearts of Iron II or its Doomsday expansion, especially with some of the mods like Stony Road.

Shocking graphics but actual and real war strategy is needed, great thinking game as you have to act both strategically and tactically.

Starting in 1936 it takes you up to the 50's from the WW2 to a hypothetical WW3.

Not an RTS as such, but a genuine strategy game and worth a look if you fancy something different and don't care about eye candy.

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