What are your top 3 Sci-Fi series?

1. Babylon 5 - simply amazing, epic storyline and setting.
2. Farscape - loved the characters and theme of being chased around the universe by evil baddys. funny aswell
3. Stargate/Startek franchises

Startrek altho it is criticed a lot for being repetitive (and righly so) is special because of the amount of detail they go into, cultures of many species, spaceships,etc.

Stargate is brilliant aswell, set in our time and has the simple but effective formula of killing evil baddies who are hellbent on destoying earth.

X files has always been good but has the same problem as trek, plus was rubbish after mulder left.

Other good sci fi shows:
Firefly (such a shame it was cancelled)
Lexx(aint watched much but so far am liking it)
1. Babylon 5 - best story ever, and CGI done on Amigas. Win win. The only sci-fi series i have on DVD.
2. Star Trek TNG - My favourite before B5 came out.
3. Star Trek Voyager - Miles behind TNG, but slightly better than DS9 imo.
Babylon 5- I can beat the person with everything on DVD- I have all 5 series, the movies & the Drakh series (Followup, set IIRC 100 yrs later) on VHS no less :eek: - 67 tapes!!
Battlestar Galactica- Enough said really :D
Very much off the vein of the other posts- The original radio episodes of Space Patrol :p I also have huge numbers of other sci-fi radio series floating around; Ipod fodder TBH.

Firefly is awful rot in my opinion, but my housemate loves it :(
Shows that simply disregard basic laws of physics do irritate me very much, probably as my love of sci-fi started with the work of writers such as Ben Bova & Isaac Asimov, but thats a whole different thread.

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eXSBass said:
In no particular order:

1) Star Trek - The Next Generation
2) Brainiac Science Abuse? (Does that count?)
3) The X - Files

ROFL, sci-fi series?! HAHAHAHA, oh dear...

Anyway, Mythbusters > Brainiac.
1/ Space: Above and Beyond

2/ New Battlestar Galactica
(although this has the potential to nosedive spectacularly after the season 1 climax)

3/ Futurama
(or X-Files if Futurama isn't proper sci-fi)

Honourable mentions to Dark Angel Season 1, Dark Skies, the Outer Limits and Millenium.
I'm having trouble thinking of a top 3, purely because nothing comes close to being as good as the new Battlestar Galactica, for me. Apparently Babylon 5 is decent, but BSG makes nearly ever other Sci-Fi I've watched look cheesy, stilted and shallow in comparison.
1) Babylon 5. Without a shadow of a doubt the best SF series ever made. I have every single thing in the B5 universe on DVD. For that simple reason, I will always have a dvd player.

2) Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis)

3) Firefly (Brilliant but short-lived. I can't reall;y see them making another series after they wrote out two excellent charactersin Serenity. Then again, can they ever top the line "See Vera. You dress up nice and I'll take you out places" or something like that. Hysterical...in context, naturally)
1) Red Dwarf

2) Battlestar Gallactica (The new one)

3) Space Above And Beyond (damn shame they cancelled it :( )
1. Babylon 5 - nothing else comes close yet in terms of overall structure.

2. BSG - This is probably going to be better than B5 as it just keeps on getting better and is easily the best thing that's currently being produced for tv. The characters are deep, flawed and believable and the general tone of the series is quite dark. The third series is the best so far.

3. Farscape - If you can get beyond the muppets in space feel of the first series it gets much better. It was cancelled in it's prime.

Firefly would have made the list if there was more of it and the stargate series are watchable. I'm surprised at the number of people picking star trek and B5 as star trek is so different and morally simplistic in comparison.

Buffy and Angel don't count as sci-fi to me but Angel is a very good series.
Weebull said:
I'm having trouble thinking of a top 3, purely because nothing comes close to being as good as the new Battlestar Galactica, for me. Apparently Babylon 5 is decent, but BSG makes nearly ever other Sci-Fi I've watched look cheesy, stilted and shallow in comparison.

Watch B5 then. It's much deeper and complex than BSG is currently.
1) Buffy
2) Original Battlestar Galactica - not had a chance to check out the new version yet though I hear it's good.
3) Invasion - so much more exciting and better paced than Lost, such a shame it was axed!!!

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