What are your top 3 Sci-Fi series?

FireMoon said:
U.F.O Nothing comes even close to how good this was and still is

The Invaders.. all the others are just copies and outright steals of this original

Sapphire and Steel...

I've still got to get round to watching the last episode of The Invaders, I'll have to check and see if it has been released on any format.
Captain Zep, Captain Zep, OoooOOoo, super space detective.

No really.

Star Trek TOS and TNG
Doctor Who, Old and New.
The Invaders (A Quinn Martin production)
1)Stargate SG1!
2)New Battlestar Galactica
3)Atlantis/ Firefly

Completely forgot I've got Babylon 5 and Sliders sitting next to me waiting to be watched through!
Im not really a big Science fiction fan.. I dont like stargate, star trek etc.. so my 3 are...

Lexx (Cos the lady was fit, and i liked its cheeseyness)
Red Dwarf - Simply cos its damn funny.
X Files - Was great when i was younger.
I love my Sci-Fi and to answer this question I thought about if I were to never watch anything else sci-fi related, what 3 would I live with for the rest of my life... The answer I came up with was thus:

1) Star Trek Franchise
2) Stargate SG-1 Franchise
3) Babylon 5 Franchise

If you feel that picking franchises is cheating I would narrow it down to:

2) SG-1
3) B5

Now let me go cry over all the other series that didnt make the grade!
NathanE said:
3. X-files (before it turned el crappo)

X-Files was never bad! :P

Season 9's mythology episodes we not quite as hot but the stand-alones were brilliant throughout the entire 9 year run! (In my fan boy opinion anyways lol).
Battlestar Galatica (New one) Loved old one as a kid though

Star Trek (old one 60's) Star Trek DS9 and Voyager, hated next Generation.

Smallville ( I am guessing that falls into SciFi)?

if not.....

Space 1999
Back when BBC2 used to be devoted to sci-fi I used to watch nearly every main series during 1997-2002 I was a very happy chappy on most weekday evenings :D ....back then we had X-Files, Buffy, Red Dwarf, Sliders, Farscape, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9 & Star Trek: Voyager :eek: all we get now is repeats of Torchwood :( at least BBC2 has started show some Star Trek again on Saturday afternoons ;)

And the guy who mentioned Seven Days...yeah I remember that too on BBC2 was a very good series which if I remember was only shown for 1 season.

1. Star Trek: The Next Generation (mainly this series...and the entire Star Trek franchise)
2. Stargate SG-1 (not Atlantis as I've never seen it)
3. Farscape (haven't seen the Peacekeeper Wars...or the series in years but Scorpius was one of the best underated sci-fi villians)

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