What Bean to Cup coffee machine?

21 Jun 2005
I'm torn between two at the moment DELONGHI - Magnifica S ECAM 22.320.SB or the Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Barista Express Coffee Machine and Grinder. There is about £150 difference between the two, it will be my first ever bean to coffee machine. Has anyone had either of these? Views/opinions on them?

Not the exact model but I've got a Delonghi Magnifica which I've had since 2010 (I think, might have been 2011), it's been fantastic, though it's starting to get a bit problematic now (won't take grounds any more, not that I use them often, crack in both the drip tray and the coffee waste tray).

I'd definitely get another, assuming I can't keep this one going much longer!
Sage Oracle is my choice here. Steams milk really well, grinder is ok, guts of the Sage Dual Boiler so it's actually a good espresso machine inside. It's pretty much idiot proof too.

Ain't cheap though.
I've always wanted a "bean to cup" machine but I know I'll just never use it ;)

I really wanted one, in the end i got a Nespresso, I find it a lot easier for a "quick" coffee and obviously at 6am it makes no noise really. (I normally drink Latte's, so steaming the milk on B2C machines tends to make too much noise!
I have a Delonghi Magnifica, same as Paradigm has in post 3. I have had it 2 years and use it a few times a day. It is a great bean to cup coffee machine and has been trouble free so far. I do give it a good clean every couple of weeks and i don't use the steam wand at all any more as i have a milk frother/warmer jug which makes perfect milk for lattés and is quicker, less hassle and silent for those early morning fixes. I would certainly recommend the delonghi.
Another vote for a Delonghi Magnifica, I got a stunning bargain on mine and use it daily - often lots of time per day and its one of those purchases that it it failed I would go and buy another without thinking about it!
I had a bean to cup for a number of years but would never get another after buying a good burr grinder and espresso machine 18 months ago.
I really wanted one, in the end i got a Nespresso, I find it a lot easier for a "quick" coffee and obviously at 6am it makes no noise really. (I normally drink Latte's, so steaming the milk on B2C machines tends to make too much noise!

Problem I found with these is that the coffee is so weak. As in really really weak.
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