So a friend of mine insised that I try and take on the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson, he spurred me on by promising that it was better than ASoIaF.
I resisted the urge for a while as I absolutely love Ice and Fire and I didnt think there would be a fantasy book out there that could challenge it. I'm not going to lie the first book in the series is pretty rough going, Erikson does not ease you in to his world, he grabs you by the throat and launches you into the deep end barely stopping to explain anything. I spent the first 400 pages trying to work out what in the blue hell was going on, I stopped reading at 400 pages and when back and read it again, I was still baffled. In the end I listened to his adice and ploughed through, the first book Gardens of the Moon was very solid - a convincing world, masses of intriuge and a plot that could go almost anywhere.
I've just finished Deadhouse Gates which is the second book in the series, where as the first book took me close to a month to finish this one I have read cover to cover in 4 days. Its is a breathtaking rollercoaster ride of a book - I've never known a book to play on my heartstrings in the way that this has, I experienced moments of true elation and moments of abject despair, I have a new favourite book. So erm, read it.