What book are you reading...

Finished Paper Towns a few days ago, now I'm onto 'Dodger' by Pratchett.

Let us know what Dodger is like; been meaning to pick it up.


Well, I think I'll stop reading the Deathstalker series by Simon R Green. One and a half books in and I'm getting really bored of it. Far too simple for my liking, and seems very disjointed at times. Green seems very fond of repeating things throughout, as if the expected audience age is either a child or someone with limited attention span. Shame really, seemed to start off promisingly. Maybe it'll get better further in, but I doubt it as it's the authors writing style I have a problem with, not the characters or setting (although it could do with more fleshing out). The books seem to overwhelmingly be full of conversations between characters that drag on and on.

Anyway, on to other things. Starting to read S M Stirlings 'Nantucket' books and really liking the first one so far, love the idea of a community getting completely removed out of their time. Will be eagerly looking forward to Dies the Fire and its brethren after the Nantucket books.
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Finished my re-read of the WoT series in preperation of A Memory of Light's release in January, trying to get into The Horus Heresy (40k) now but finding it hard going.
just finished 'the wasp factory' by iain banks.

one of the better ones by him but the ending was a bit crap.
i'm not sure why he is so highly rated - i've read about 5 of his so far, a couple have been ok but the rest are rubbish.

next up is 'boiling a frog' by Christopher brookmeyer - should be good.
Finished my re-read of the WoT series in preperation of A Memory of Light's release in January, trying to get into The Horus Heresy (40k) now but finding it hard going.

Good work. I'm only re-reading 12 and 13. Don't have the time for a full reread.
Love stormlight archives, looking forward to the rest of them being released after he's done with WoT.
just finished 'the wasp factory' by iain banks.

one of the better ones by him but the ending was a bit crap.
i'm not sure why he is so highly rated - i've read about 5 of his so far, a couple have been ok but the rest are rubbish.

If you've read Espedair Street and The Crow Road and didn't enjoy them then Banks probably isn't ever going to do it for you.

I'm about 80 pages into The Business right now.
I just fnished Rum Diary by Hunter S . Thompson.

Second time I have read it, and enjoyed both times a lot. Still haven't watched the film but I dont think I want to.

I also started reading Anne Franke last night. Version B of the story though (think she slightly edited her original) and has had a few added informative bits in. Read about 50 pages last night and just couldn't put it down. I know its going to be magnificent. Can't believe i never read it before.
If you've read Espedair Street and The Crow Road and didn't enjoy them then Banks probably isn't ever going to do it for you.

I'm about 80 pages into The Business right now.

not read those 2 - i do have the business but not read it yet.
got them and a few more from charity shops so didn't spend much - i always think they start well and then don't go anywhere.
Finished The Hunger Games a couple of days ago.

Got attached to the characters and now I feel :( ...wishing there was a fourth book.
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