What book are you reading...

Thunderball. Looooove the James Bond books.

I read Casino Royale and loved it years ago, but hit a brick wall with the next one(Live and Let Die?). Not sure what it was I didn't like about it. I wouldn't mind giving them another go though....I have got them all actually.

I thought Devil May Care was alright too.
Currently reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death, so it goes.
Been reading A Song of Ice and Fire solidly since June. Just started the final half of the (as yet) final book. I'm going to be very sad when I finish. Come on GRRM! Need the Winds of Winter nooooooow!
Been reading A Song of Ice and Fire solidly since June. Just started the final half of the (as yet) final book. I'm going to be very sad when I finish. Come on GRRM! Need the Winds of Winter nooooooow!

He said he has only wrote 400 of 1500 pages and of that he only considers 200 really completed.

We won't see this until 2015 earliest, then he'll die and Sanderson will be his finisher like Jordan's :p
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If your into Sci Fi try the Randolph Lalonde Fringe Broadcast series, first book is free and the other books are cheap (about £1.99 on ibook)

Well worth a read.
I just got sucked into another one of Garth Nix's worlds...

So, I have previously read Ian Irvines Well of Echoes series (Geomancer, Chimaera, Tetrarch and Alchymist).

I then thought "hm... May as well do the Garth Nix Abhorsen series". Which consists of Abhorsen, Sabriel and Lirael, all amazing books.

But, I couldn't put them down, then I thought I would discover more of Garths works...

Mister Monday was the first, now I'm about to receive Grim Tuesday tomorrow, I can't wait!

If you like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and such worlds, grab Mister Monday, I promise you will love it!!!!
If your into Sci Fi try the Randolph Lalonde Fringe Broadcast series, first book is free and the other books are cheap (about £1.99 on ibook)

Well worth a read.

Agreed, I'm just re-reading them now as Framework was released a week or so ago, you do have to forgive the occasional bad formating and errors in them however. Highly enjoyable and I think he achieved his aim with them exceedingly well.

Is much of this in print?

Not a lot and what is can be quite pricey from a quick look on Amazon.
Can someone recommend me a book (kindle). Need something new to read and I don't have anything worth while currently.

I usually read true crime stuff like Marching powder, Mr Nice, Blowback, Gangs, and I loved Do Androids dream of electric sheep, mainly as I am a huge blade runner fan. Will consider any other true stores, sci fi maybe something completely different to broaden my horizons.

Just finished my Stephen King collection so now I've moved on to Dean Koontz.

I went to see "the woman in black" at the cinema when it was released earlier this year and proceeded to buy the book. It's one of those times where the film is a ton better than the book. Relatively well written but after watching the film I expected some decent scary bits. Nothing.
Just finished The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet by David Mitchell, I really enjoyed it. It's about a Dutch trading Post in Dejima circa 1800.

Now just starting on Skagboys by Irvine Welsh, the follow up to Trainspotting.
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