What book are you reading...

Really good book isn't it? I got it after watching the recent Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy film, and enjoyed it. Got 'A Murder of Quality' (second in the 'Smiley' series) waiting on the shelf for me after I finish Deadhouse Gates.

Reasons Deadhouse for the first time :eek: lucky bugger! :D

Yeah it was a great book, really well put together and a real page turner. Already ordered book 2 and 3.

Picking up The Good Soldier Sjveck again, really well written and easy to drop in and out of.
I've been reading my way through the Discworld books for the first time in a few years (I used to read most of them every couple of years, but it's been about 5+ years since I did that).
Having just re-read the Spinward Fringe set I re-read The Painted Man in preparation for the Desert Spear which was excellent, can't wait for the next one (slightly upset it's going to be five book lol) have now started The Great North Road by Hamilton.
Reasons Deadhouse for the first time :eek: lucky bugger! :D

Yeah it was a great book, really well put together and a real page turner. Already ordered book 2 and 3.

Picking up The Good Soldier Sjveck again, really well written and easy to drop in and out of.

I've been reading it for about 2 months now :P Just got to the bit where
Fiddler and that lot are in the Tremolor warren(?), and Mappo tells Icarium about how he destroyed the old city in Raraku
I know that feeling. I finally started the copy of Interview with the Vampire that has the words 'Now a Major Motion Picture' emblazoned across the cover a week ago.

There was a Borders next to the pub I went in back when I used to drink, bad idea. Christ I bought some rubbish
I'm currently reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Its the 3rd book in the Inheritance Cycle.

Really enjoying these books so far. I saw the movie sometime last year and it made me want to see what happened. Much better than the movie and such good detail without being dragged out too much. A very rich world this guy has created and I'll be sad when it ends.
I've been reading it for about 2 months now :P Just got to the bit where
Fiddler and that lot are in the Tremolor warren(?), and Mappo tells Icarium about how he destroyed the old city in Raraku

Starts heating up from there, let me know what you think when you're done :)
Anybody recommend me something to read next?

Just finished Memories of Light, so thats the Wheel of Time series complete. Prior to that I'd finished off the Malazan Book of the Fallen series - havent got round to the Esslemont books yet as they are not available in audiobook format :(

I've read most of the stuff by Feist, some of it is great, some of it is so painful I wanted to pull out my own eyes instead of keep reading. Done both of the books by Patrick Rothfuss, obviously done ASOIaF... spec me some gritty fantasy please - preferably available in audiobook format!
Just finished of saints and shadows, it wasn't bad but I don't think I'll be buying the rest of the series.

Started the sword of shannara, looks a bit too generic at the moment, but its too early to make such judgements.
Just finished Alexander, God of War by Christian Cameron, it was ok but nothing special.
Before that, i finished Shogun by James Clavell, vaguely remember the mini-series for the early eighties, but the book was excellent, really enjoyed it.
I enjoy historical fiction :)
Anybody recommend me something to read next?

Just finished Memories of Light, so thats the Wheel of Time series complete. Prior to that I'd finished off the Malazan Book of the Fallen series - havent got round to the Esslemont books yet as they are not available in audiobook format :(

I've read most of the stuff by Feist, some of it is great, some of it is so painful I wanted to pull out my own eyes instead of keep reading. Done both of the books by Patrick Rothfuss, obviously done ASOIaF... spec me some gritty fantasy please - preferably available in audiobook format!

Artemis Fowl? It's classed as a children's book, but it's amazing, although not really gritty like ASoIaF/Wheel of Time. I guess I enjoy them because I've been reading them as they come out since I was about 13.

What about the Discworld series? I've only read the first one myself, but the others are supposed to be really good.
Have you read R Scott Bakker? Requires a ton of patience to work out wtf is going on and the names are bonkers but it becomes an epic series once it gets going.
Escape from Camp 14

Heard about this chap called Shin on radio4 last year.

Born into a North Korea prison camp and first ever to escape.

Amazing story and insight into NK.

Can anyone recommend me another good non-fiction

just finished dead air by iain banks - certainly the best iain banks book i've read. it makes sense and actually has an ending!

the dance of the voodoo handbag next!
Just finished reading Day by Day Armageddon - Shattered Hourglass. Massively disappointed having loved the previous two books. Big change in writing style and a very rushed and unsatisfying conclusion.
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