What book are you reading...

I read the Theon chapter as it was in the back of the paperback I was reading. Enjoyed it although I did wonder why Stannis would string up a very stinky and not particularly useful prisoner in his personal (very small) tower chambers. Seemed a bit out of character.

I think I'm gonna wait for the others, even if I am waiting for 2+ years as seems highly likely.

Anyway, the TV series is back soon! YES! And, I'll be visiting 'Kings Landing for real' in Feb. ;-D
Left my copy of The Idiot in Belgium and just got it back so going to have to re-read it. But I also started reading Notes From The Underground by Dostoevsky
Enjoyed it although I did wonder why Stannis would string up a very stinky and not particularly useful prisoner in his personal (very small) tower chambers. Seemed a bit out of character.

Actually, everything from the last 2 books suggests that Theon would be VERY useful for Stannis....
Parallel Worlds; A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos(2004) by Michio Kaku

Oh my God I'm riveted by this, I've learnt a fair bit and its opened my mind a little, I still can't get my head around branes (m-theory), strings I can visualise but membranes, Im a little lost. Fascinating book and I hope in say 2020 he updates or releases a follow up. As I didn't realise so many new and on the cusp experiments are planned.

Need to get hold of his latest two. But they aren't on Audible (although it is available in USA :rolleyes: )
Physics of the Impossible (2008)
Physics of the Future (2011)
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As I'm sure quite a few people are, I'm reading Wheel of Time: A Memory of Light.
Parallel Worlds; A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos(2004) by Michio Kaku

I'll give this a whirl thanks. Quite like these kind of books in between the fictions I often read.

Just finished the Hunger Games trilogy - loved it even though I think it was written for teenage girls. The last book, Mockingjay, had some gaping holes and the story was weak but it scratches the itch to find out how it all ends. Doubt the last 2 books would make a good movie although that's what's being done.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - touching story. Felt kind of jaded after reading this. Post-good book blues, anyone else get this? Will read it again soon.

Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald - its not about gangsters! No idea why i thought it was but I did. I have a feeling I will enjoy the film more than the book which is rare.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - touching story. Felt kind of jaded after reading this. Post-good book blues, anyone else get this? Will read it again soon.

I've had this a few times, most notably after Clockwork Orange, Deadhouse Gates and One Flew Over the Cucoos Nest. I remember do using them and putting the book down just blown away and gutted its over. Cucoos and DG I read the last chapter of each a good few times just so it could really sink in.
I've been doing a reread of A Song of Ice and Fire.

It's amazing some of the stuff you miss the first time. For example I just noticed it insinuates Theon has been castrated by Ramsay; not once but twice.
Call of the Dead - John Le Carre. Real page turner, started an hour ago and may end up finishing tonight.

Really good book isn't it? I got it after watching the recent Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy film, and enjoyed it. Got 'A Murder of Quality' (second in the 'Smiley' series) waiting on the shelf for me after I finish Deadhouse Gates.
I'm about half way through The Beach now. One of my favourite films & the book is even better :D

Hated the movie after reading the book, it felt that they altered Richard's character to suit Dicaprio's image.

Currently reading The Monkey's Raincoat - Robert Crais

Feels like a Mickey Spillane detective novel set in modern time. Enjoying it immensely
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Literally couldn't put The Beach down last night & ended up finishing it.

Hated the movie after reading the book, it felt that they altered Richard's character to suit Dicaprio's image.

Currently reading The Monkey's Raincoat - Robert Crais

Feels like a Mickey Spillane detective novel set in modern time. Enjoying it immensely

I see what you mean. If I had read the book first the film would have been a bit of a disappointment. Still love the film though, I'll just have to pretend it's not based on the book next time I watch it :p

I'm on to Darkly Dreaming Dexter now. Hopefully that's as good as the series!

Has anyone got The Lands of Ice & Fire. Any good? Worth having?
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