What book are you reading...

I just find Sanderson a little limited and too coloured by his religious/personal views.

It's solid fantasy but nothing great.
Finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas the other day - surprisingly great after I couldn't stand the film. Have got the film again though just to give it another chance.

Getting stuck into the complete Sherlock Holmes collection now, should make a nice wee filler between heavier reads in the coming months!
I've been on a dystopia run since just before christmas, 1984, Neuromancer(Highly recommended) , Fahrenheit 451 and I am about to get into brave new world, then I think I am going on a non-fiction run.
This House is Haunted.

It's the story of the Enfield Poltergeist. I like all that supernatural stuff and it's good book so far. Still undecided as to whether or not it was all a hoax. Seemed a bit too much to be a simple hoax.
Lavondyss by Robert Holdstock... just got a Kindle for Xmas, and have been putting off reading this, in paperback form for years, so have DL'ed to the Kindle and am really enjoying it so far... read Mythago Wood many years ago, but this, for me, is far better.

Also reading Andrew Motion's 'The Customs House' and re-reading Alice Oswald's 'Memorial' - two of this countries finest poets.
Just started The 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss after finishing the 4 hour work week - all good stuff so far. I got his new one - the 4 hour chef - for Christmas so will be starting that one soon.

Also have the Steve Jobs and Arnold Schwarzenegger biographies to read.
Just finishing off 'Titus Alone' of the Gormenghast series - but feel I am going to pretend it doesn't exist after completing it. Really doesn't feel like it has anything to do with the previous two books at all.

Have Joe Sawards 'The Grand Prix Saboteurs' lined up for my next read.
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Re-reading The Painted Man before reading The Desert Spear which I bought cheap in the 12 days of kindle sale :-)
At the moment, reading a couple of the Jack Reacher books on my kindle. One shot kill, killing floor and die trying.
Finished A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast yesterday.

6 months and over 4,600 pages since I started A Song of Ice and Fire I can honestly say I've never enjoyed a book or series of books so much.

I spent all afternoon yesterday trying to work out what the hell to do with my new found love of epic fantasy. Downloaded a sample chapter of the first Wheel of Time, the first The Dark Tower, and the first Malazan Book of the Fallen.

I've jumped immediately into The Gunslinger (The 1st of The Dark Tower series by Stephen King) and I have to say the 70 odd pages I've read so far have been great! Just what I needed.

It's erie with a lot of questions to mull over and keep my mind distracted from how short sighted and annoying Othell Yarwyk and Bowen Marsh both are, and how long it will be before Daenerys brings her new Khalasar down on the Yunkai'i...
Blood of the Fold - Sword of Truth

Terry Goodkind , third book in the series (fantasy) - highly recommended - very intense

"Prior to the start of Blood of the Fold Richard comes to terms with his true identity as a War Wizard (a powerful wizard with both additive and subtractive magic). The New World, and all the freedom of humankind, is under threat from the Imperial Order after he had brought down the barrier between the Old and New World. The Imperial Order has already sent delegations and armies into the New World. Richard's only option to stop the invasion is to claim his heritage and unite all free kingdoms and provinces under one rule and one command."
Finished A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast yesterday.

6 months and over 4,600 pages since I started A Song of Ice and Fire I can honestly say I've never enjoyed a book or series of books so much.

Get on the forums, and realize just how much you missed whilst reading it....There are so many theories going around(and some which are beyond theories imo, as they are obvious when you think about it).

Also the Dunk and Egg books are really good, I would recommend them. And there are 3-4 sample chapters from The Winds of Winter available as well, one Theon, one Arriane, one Victarion and one Tyrion that I know of
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