What book are you reading...

Trident K9 Warriors by Michael Ritland.

The author is a former Seal Team 3 member and instructor who now sources, trains and supplies military working dogs to the Department of Defence and US Navy Special Forces.
I'm about half way through at the moment and it's an interesting read about what he looks for in a dog and how they go about training them over the course of 2-5 years from pup into the canine equivalent of a special forces operative. He advocates reward based training exclusively which is encouraging.
Just finished The Gunslinger...

I have never read a proper fantasy type fiction before, and I wasn't expecting to like it because I'm not really into fantasy films or anything. However, by God, I loved it! Short, but so sweet, I can't wait to start the next book :D (Which looks a lot longer too!)
Just finished The Gunslinger...

I have never read a proper fantasy type fiction before, and I wasn't expecting to like it because I'm not really into fantasy films or anything. However, by God, I loved it! Short, but so sweet, I can't wait to start the next book :D (Which looks a lot longer too!)

When you finish that you may well enjoy Gemmell's - The Complete Chronicles of the Jerusalem Man. This is all 3 books in one and for me was a great read. Loved the main character.
Currently halfway through 'Spanish civil war' by Anthony Beevor. Brilliant factual book upto Beevors high standard. Didn't realise what really went on during this conflict, great reading so far recommend it....
Just finished The Gunslinger...

I have never read a proper fantasy type fiction before, and I wasn't expecting to like it because I'm not really into fantasy films or anything. However, by God, I loved it! Short, but so sweet, I can't wait to start the next book :D (Which looks a lot longer too!)

The Dark tower series is excellent I really should reread it :D

I'm reading 100 days by Admiral Sandy Woodward, fantastic so far.
Life of Pi... About a quarter of the way through and I am bored silly by it, does it get any better?

Not really, I find it's split into 3 sections:


Bored senseless

Slightly less bored, but tired of the author inventing situations to show atheists as bad to prove his views right, sick of his "look at me write overly long sentences to force a false sense of symbolism" prose and utterly bored of his "look how philosophical I am" bleatings.

Maybe I missed something, maybe I'm just too "low brow" for this and should stick to genre fiction, but I don't find over written pap that was more about the authors ideological leanings than telling a story a good read.
Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold.

Apparently this is part of a well received series set in a guns and scifi future.
If it wasn't apparent from the title, there's a lot oh talk about honour, with one lady being described as an honour fountain. This is a good thing, I'm told.

I waited for it to get fun, but then I finished the book. It didn't get fun.
Life of Pi... About a quarter of the way through and I am bored silly by it, does it get any better?

Is he on the boat yet? If so, not much. If not yet, then yes, it does. Personally I really liked it.

I'm now moving a bit up-market and reading "Bring up the Bodies". I read Wolf Hall a while ago and liked it a lot - after I got the hang of the odd style. This is easier to read, maybe because I'm more aware of what to expect.
Life of Pi... About a quarter of the way through and I am bored silly by it, does it get any better?

I received the book at Christmas, as a present from my devout sister-in-law who doesn't appreciate my atheist tendencies. She told me it would make me believe in God.

It didn't.

As I understand it, the argument is you can't prove or disprove the existence of God, so you might as well believe and have a wonderful life, rather than facing the dull daily existence of the Godless.

She's getting "The God delusion" from me this year.
Hmmm, do I continue reading or should I start the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie which I just got for six and a half quid on my kindle...
Hmmm, do I continue reading or should I start the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie which I just got for six and a half quid on my kindle...

Finish. It is a good book, and takes a while to get going. Don't worry too much about the religious side of things - I pretty much didn't notice that. But then subtlety was never my thing. Also, I finish everything I start - I can't remember when I last gave up a book, no matter how bad. Of course a book should grip from the beginning, but sometimes it takes a while. It took me about a third of the book to get the hang of "Wolf Hall", for example, but it well worth the effort.
Buzz aldrin mission to mars.

Certainly not as fun as Mary Rochs mars book.
This isn't one for non space geeks. It's not technical but it is like a document/business plan mixed in with his thoughts and side stories.

Finished Mongolaid really good book, def speeds up as it goes on. Can't wait to read the other two books in the series. Bit like Mongol/Christian version of lord of the rings. No magic, but that's hole journey thing split over several books, with no real ending on the first book, just a sensible place too finish it.
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Have read Beverly Barton's:

The Dying Game
The Murder Game
Cold Hearted

over the last 3 days, and whilst her romantic moments are a bit need-a-bucket-to-puke-in her stories are always good.

Going to start on Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta novels now.

I've got the first 19 of them so I'll see what they are like
Just finished The Drawing of the Three, another great book following from The Gunslinger very well.

Having a break from The Dark Tower now and reading The Shining before the follow up book is out in 3 weeks!!
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