What book are you reading...

I'd love to have time to read more, just finished a great book by Prof Mike Gibney, challenging controversy in food and health. An honest and open opinion on things that we take for granted, overlook or reject due to bad science reaching people before the proper stuff is properly analysed.


Waiting on my copy of Jay reinar - a greedy man in a hungry world to arrive, looks at food sustainability and why buying local may not be the answer.
Just finished 'Last Argument Of Kings' the third and final installment of 'The First Law' trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.

Was very good and very, very dark. Not so sure about the ending...

It seemed to go a little flat for a bit after Logen dealt with Bethod. I'd have also liked to know more about the fates of Jezel and Ferro.

Over all, a highly recommended series.

Now, onto 'Dust' by Hugh Howey. Loved his previous books in this universe.
Just finished 'Last Argument Of Kings' the third and final installment of 'The First Law' trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.

Was very good and very, very dark. Not so sure about the ending...

It seemed to go a little flat for a bit after Logen dealt with Bethod. I'd have also liked to know more about the fates of Jezel and Ferro.

Over all, a highly recommended series.

Now, onto 'Dust' by Hugh Howey. Loved his previous books in this universe.

Keep reading the series. Whilst the first three are a trilogy everything post then continues in the same story arc with characters coming and going.

I'm still reading (and enjoying) the Jim Butcher books, disengage brain, sit back and enjoy the fun it offers. Nothing too heavy just a god fun read.
Just finished reading Preatorian, Sword and Scimitar and Under the Eagle all by Simon Scarrow.

Fantastic author for Bernard Cornwell fans, although Sword and Scimitar was a bit weak in comparison to the others.

Praetorian and Under the Eagle are from his "roman" series and both are awesome books.
Paul Allen - Idea Man

I've gradually been reading every biography of significant technology entrepreneurs. The writing is a little dry but I love reading about the early days of IT.
Didn't take you long to fire through those books :D

I'm surprised with myself, but they're too good to put down! :D

Thinking about starting the next one already, even though I'm trying to get through The Shining... Hopefully I won't get mixed up between them! :eek:
Read Patricia Cornwell's Postmortem yesterday and while it wasn't the best crime fiction I've ever read it was good enough.

Hoping the rest of the Kay Scarpetta series improves.
Factotum complete. What a cracker! Now onto The Invisible Man before pt2 of a dance with dragons.
Just finished Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson. Definitely the best book so far, so much bromace *sniff* :D

Not sure if I should head into House of Chains or read something a bit lighter first.
Just finished The Fall of Berlin 1945 by Antony Beevor, excellent book but another eye opener of what happened to the people caught up in the Red Army advance. Got his new book on the whole of WW2 coming.

Currently reading the following books:
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet by Katie Hafner: Speed reading this one, was interested in how the internet started up and the people involved.

Playing to Win: What the World's Greatest Skydiver Can Teach You About Conquering Fear, Getting Ahead and Finding Success by Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld: One that a lot of people I speak to in skydiving have read, so giving it a go.

The Fires of Heaven by Robert Jordan: Carrying on the series in the back ground, always good.

Really ploughing through books, as I'm about 8 books behind my 60 this year target. I blame the Robert Jordan books I've been reading.
Choke - Chuck Palahniuk.

Half way through reading this I was annoyed. His writing style has a certain something about it that gets to me, it's like "Oh look at me I am such a writer, check me out." and I can't help but find it irritating. Overall quite enjoyable though, I particularly appreciated the parts where he explained the mother's philosophy.
Few hundred pages into the 3rd Malazan book Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson..

Loving some parts and struggling with others.

Lady Envy and Toc the youngers relationship is great..
Redshirts by John Scalzi.

Re-read this again as the first time i was a bit underwhelmed by the plot.

On a second reading, and having expected the meta-meta- gubbins this time round, i found it quite entertaining.
Goodreads.com recommended I try the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb. I'm about 150 pages into the first book - I'm actually really enjoying it. Dont get me wrong, so far it hasn't deviated much from the standard fantasy stereotypes, lost orphan, etc - but it is well written and intriuging.
Currently reading Shadow of the Wind by Ruiz Zafon. Wasn't enjoying it and was really struggling through but it's started gripping me from halfway through onward to the extent I'm really struggling to put it down now :p
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