What book are you reading...

Currently reading Shadow of the Wind by Ruiz Zafon. Wasn't enjoying it and was really struggling through but it's started gripping me from halfway through onward to the extent I'm really struggling to put it down now :p

Thats one of my all time favourite books, :):D
Wolf In Shadow and The Last Guardian by David Gemmell after someone suggested them on here, they are not bad books but they are not in the same league as the dark tower novels, their biggest problem are there endings do you know how in TV shows they wrap everything up very quickly because of the time limits that's kind of what happens here.
Just finished 'Dust' by Hugh Howey, the final installment of the 'Silo' trilogy. Was very good but not as good as 'Wool', the first part. He has a very easy to read writing style.

Just started 'Troy: Lord of the Silver Bow', part one of David Gemmell's 'Troy' trilogy. Has this on my to read list for ages so will fill the gap until King's 'Dr. Sleep' comes out next week(ish).
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Anyone read the Dresden books by Jim Butcher?

On book 7 Dead Beat, all of a sudden Dresden has become some sort of underage, try hard hippy and says things like "bangin'" and says "man" at the end of half his conversations :(

Any readers of the series is this a continuing trend? Finding it really irritating and off putting :p
Just finished it.

Wow, I can't think of a meaningful enough praise to truly convey my adoration of this book.

Perfect is the best I can manage, read it!

Lol after reading Shadow of the Wind, ANY book is a let down, ;)
I did read another of his books The Angel's Game and tbh its not a patch on SOTW.
Their date is wrong, it was pushed back until March next year unfortunately.


I've never looked forward to a book as much as this one! The first book was fantastic. Gutted I have to wait even longer :(
Just finished the first four books of The Remaining by D.J Molles.
Really good stuff imo. It's another 'world decimated by zombies' scenario (infected -not undead- in this case) that just reinforces my personal opinion that the zombies from The Walking Dead are pathetically unthreatening. These are more like 28 days style with a twist.
Characters and situations are very well written and realistic. It's a lot more believable and frightening than TWD.
Like TWD, this is more about what people become when society breaks down, rather than focusing on the 'zombies', though they get their fair share of the limelight.

There are some niggling spelling/grammar issues, but it doesn't detract from the excellent content.
I'm eagerly awaiting the next and final installment of the series.
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Currently about half way through WWZ.
I'm mostly finding it interesting rather than entertaining and that's not a bad thing.

What really gets me is how ridiculously far the movie strays from the source material...
Substantially changing fundamental stuff really does make it pretty obvious that the film is just trading on the name and popularity of the book in my opinion.
Currently about half way through WWZ.
I'm mostly finding it interesting rather than entertaining and that's not a bad thing.

What really gets me is how ridiculously far the movie strays from the source material...
Substantially changing fundamental stuff really does make it pretty obvious that the film is just trading on the name and popularity of the book in my opinion.

Hey, snap, I'm reading that as well. My wife picked it up for me from the school library she works at.

I'm about 100 pages in. I really like it. I like the way you get multiple people's perspectives on things.
Just finished Dawkins' The God Delusion, good read! Any recommendations for something related, perhaps by Hitchens?
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