What book are you reading...

I'm 10% through the Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson.

i highly recommend him as a fantasy author.

The Mist Bourne Trilogy is one of my favourite series of all time!
Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. It is the last in the series so I'll be quite miffed when I have finished it as I've really enjoyed them.
I've just finished 'A game of thrones' and getting impatient for the next one to be delivered!

I really enjoyed the alternating storylines, the premise was good, plot interesting, and I liked the way you got to know some of the characters. Enjoyable from start to finish.
You see there is another Mistborn book out?

Yes i read about that but its set in the wild west with modern technology? What was Sanderson smoking when he thought that one up?

Mistbourn Trilogy was a great read.

Currently reading Pushing Ice by Alistair Reynolds. Nice simple read not puching any limits of the genre but will fill in the blanks until I get my paws on the Endymion omnibis by Dan Simmons.

Also re-reading Brent Weeks Night Angel Trilogy. Great fun read with some wonderful characters.

I really should be reading papers for Uni but they are not nearly as interesting :(

very Good book, have you seen the film or are you going to watch that afterwards ?

I am going to watch the film after finishing the book, but probably as most films, it wont be as good as the book :)

i am enjoying it, its pretty good so far.
Jo Nesbo's 'Nemesis'. It'd be a lot better if the typesetting was better and there were more than 8 words to a line! It's very dificult to get your eye to flow smoothly across the lines when it's like that.

I know why they've done it. It's to keep up with all the "new Steig Larsson" hype so they've laid it out that way to maximise the number fo pages and make it look like a big thick tome like the Dragon Tattoo series.
Finished the Liveship Traders so I'm starting all over again with the Farseer Trilogy, don't want to start the new one until the series is finished :)
Took a break from the dark tower to read White Wolf, and The Swords of Night and Day, by David Gemmel.
Read the previous Drenai series and really enjoyed them.
Anyone else read the tales of Druss, Waylander etc?
Jo Nesbo's 'Nemesis'. It'd be a lot better if the typesetting was better and there were more than 8 words to a line! It's very dificult to get your eye to flow smoothly across the lines when it's like that.

I know why they've done it. It's to keep up with all the "new Steig Larsson" hype so they've laid it out that way to maximise the number fo pages and make it look like a big thick tome like the Dragon Tattoo series.

Stick with them, it's not the best in the series but they get better - certainly better than average page turning crime fiction.

Just started Ken Follett's Fall of Giants. Expecting good things after The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End.
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